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Ignite-UX Administration Guide: for HP-UX 11i > Chapter 4 Simple Network: Creating a Server for Anonymous Clients

Configuring an Ignite Server to Boot Anonymous PA-RISC Clients


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Using the Server Setup Wizard

If you know you want to use anonymous client boot when you start up your Ignite-UX server, you can set it up that way using the Server Setup Wizard.

Start Ignite-UX and the Server Setup Wizard as described in “Configuring the Ignite-UX Server for PA-RISC Clients” until you get to the Configure Booting IP Addresses dialog box as shown in Figure 3-5.

Enter individual or a range of valid IP addresses. Instead of entering a MAC address in the reserved for: 0x box, leave it blank. When the instl_bootd daemon requests an IP address for your anonymous PA-RISC client to boot from, it will be given an IP address not registered with any specific MAC address.

Editing the instl_boottab file

You can enter IP addresses in the instl_boottab file for anonymous PA-RISC client booting. The instl_boottab file contains comments with instructions on syntax. To add an IP address for anonymous PA-RISC booting, simply add that IP address to the file on its own line. Since the IP address is not explicitly marked as reserved or assigned to a MAC address, it is usable by any client. For more information, see instl_bootd(1M).

NOTE: No intervention is required to have instl_bootd pick up changes to the /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file. When a boot request is received, instl_bootd always checks whether the file was modified since last read, and rereads it before answering any boot request.
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