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Ignite-UX Administration Guide: for HP-UX 11i > Appendix C LIF Volume Contents

A Description of the Files in the LIF Volume.


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To list the contents of a LIF volume, use the lifls -l lif_volume command. Example output from lifls -l and descriptions of the files that can be in a LIF volume follow:

# lifls -l /var/tmp/lif volume ISL10 data size 1953114 directory size 3 07/03/07 10:12:02 filename type start size implement created =============================================================== ISL -12800 16 242 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 AUTO -12289 264 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 INDEX BIN 272 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 CONFIG BIN 280 84 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 HPUX -12928 368 1024 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 FWWKAR6 BIN 1392 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 FWWKAR7 BIN 1400 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 FWWKAR8 BIN 1408 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02 WINSTALL -12290 1416 130092 0 07/03/07 10:12:04 WINSTALLFS -12290 131512 128000 0 07/03/07 10:12:04 IINSTALL -12290 259512 544598 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 IINSTALLFS -12290 804112 239616 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 RECCMDS BIN 1043728 1158 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 RECCMDSIA BIN 1044888 2210 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 INSTCMDS BIN 1047104 55663 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 SYSCMDS BIN 1102768 127867 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 INSTCMDSIA BIN 1230640 116929 0 07/03/07 10:12:09 SYSCMDSIA BIN 1347576 214290 0 07/03/07 10:12:10 SCRIPTS BIN 1561872 45 0 07/03/07 10:12:10 PAD BIN 1561920 256 0 07/03/07 10:12:10 #

The following list describes the files that can be in a LIF volume and, when applicable, identifies the make_medialif options to include them.

  • ISL — Initial system loader. The ISL implements the operating system independent portion of the bootstrap process on PA-RISC systems. It is loaded and executed after self-test and initialization have completed successfully. If it is run interactively, it issues a prompt and waits for user interaction. Otherwise it looks for the AUTO file. It is extracted by make_medialif from the default boot file: /opt/ignite/boot/boot_lif See isl(1M) for more information.

  • AUTO — Autoexecute file. A file that defines default boot behavior. For PA-RISC systems the AUTO file is in the LIF volume. For Itanium-based systems, the AUTO file is located in the /opt/ignite/boot directory. See auto_adm(1M) for more information.

  • INDEX — Default INDEX file. It groups references to configuration files in clauses in order to define installation behavior.

  • CONFIG — Typically contains all the software configuration information and the default file system layout information. It includes default configuration information for the operating system release, user-defined configuration information, and information regarding archives and depots. To create a CONFIG file, you should begin with the default configuration file for the release. For example, for HP–UX 11i v3 use /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31/config. Additional configuration files can be appended using the -f option of the make_medialif command.

    Information in this file allows complete access to all the archives and depots on the media. The CONFIG file is referenced in the INDEX file.

    For more information, see “Using Configuration Files”.

  • HPUX — HP-UX bootstrap loader. It loads the kernel and starts HP-UX. For Ignite-UX, the HP-UX bootstrap loader loads the install kernel ([W|V|I]INSTALL) and install file system ([W|V|I]INSTALLFS). The bootstrap loader may also load other LIF content it needs to operate. See hpux(1M) for more information.

  • FWWKAR* — A LIF might include files needed by system firmware and bootloaders such as an FWWKAR file.

  • [W|V|I]INSTALL — The HP-UX install kernel. The kernel is statically linked and includes a wide variety of drivers and modules to support different computer systems.

    • To support PA-RISC 32-bit systems, use the -o 32 make_medialif option to include the INSTALL kernel.

    • To support V-class PA-RISC systems, use the -o 64v make_medialif option to include the VINSTALL kernel.

    • To support wide 64-bit PA-RISC systems, use the -o 64w make_medialif option to include the WINSTALL kernel.

    • To support Itanium-based systems, use the -o IA make_medialif option to include the IINSTALL kernel.

    • Use the -a make_medialif option to include all [W|V|I]INSTALL kernel and [W|V|I]INSTALLFS file system files in the /opt/ignite/boot/release directory.

      NOTE: By default, the install kernel and install file system selected when a LIF volume is built will match the HP-UX release running on the system where make_medialif is run. Optionally, you may select boot content for a different HP-UX release via options. See make_medialif(1M) for more information.

      For more information, see “Classes of Configuration Files”.

  • [W|V|I]INSTALLFS — The Ignite-UX HP-UX install file system image. This file system is loaded into memory and serves as the initial root file system for the installation or recovery process. Note that this file includes config content. See instl_adm(1M) for more information.

    • To support PA-RISC 32-bit systems, use the -o 32 make_medialif option to include the INSTALLFS file system.

    • To support V-class PA-RISC systems, use the -o 64v make_medialif option to include the VINSTALLFS file system.

    • To support wide 64-bit PA-RISC systems, use the -o 64w make_medialif option to include the WINSTALLFS file system.

    • To support Itanium-based systems, use the -o IA make_medialif option to include the IINSTALLFS file system.

    • Use the -a make_medialif option to include all [W|V|I]INSTALL kernel and [W|V|I]INSTALLFS file system files in the /opt/ignite/boot/release directory.

      NOTE: By default, the install kernel and install file system selected when a LIF volume is built will match the HP-UX release running on the system where make_medialif is run. Optionally, you may select boot content for a different HP-UX release via options. See make_medialif(1M) for more information.

      For more information, see “Classes of Configuration Files”.

  • INSTCMDS and INSTCMDSIA — A compressed tar archive of commands required for specifying the system configuration to install on PA-RISC and Itanium-based systems, respectively. It includes commands needed to set up disk volumes and file systems.

  • SYSCMDS and SYSCMDSIA — A compressed tar archive of commands required for installation of PA-RISC and Itanium-based systems, respectively. It includes commands needed to complete installation and recovery.

  • RECCMDS and RECCMDSIA — A compressed tar archive of commands required for expert recovery on PA-RISC and Itanium-based systems, respectively.

  • SCRIPTS — A configuration clause of commands containing scripts that can be selected in the itool under the Advanced tab.

  • PAD — A file used to reserve space for future content, control the size and position of content, or both.

IMPORTANT: The first 8 KB of the install file system [W|V|I]INSTALLFS can contain Ignite-UX text. If it does, this information is used first and can override configuration statements in the LIF INDEX and CONFIG files. In particular, the information in the first 8 KB can cause the client to boot from media and use an Ignite-UX server to complete installation, and controls if the installation or recovery is interactive or not.

For more information, see “Using Configuration Files”.

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