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Ignite-UX Quick Start Guide: Create an Ignite-UX Server and Cold-Install Clients > Chapter 2 Cold-installing a Client Across the Network

Install HP-UX from the Server Using the Client Console


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You will use the Ignite-UX terminal user interface (TUI) to install HP-UX. It will be displayed on the client console after the client successfully reboots.

Move between menu buttons with the tab key and select by pressing enter. Help is available from the majority of these screens.

  1. Select Install HP-UX from the welcome screen by pressing enter.

    Common Errors

    NOTE: The console firmware terminal type is currently set to “hp”. If you are using any other type of terminal you will see “garbage” on the screen following this message.

    If this is the case, you will need to either change the terminal type set in the firmware via GSP (if your GSP firmware version supports this feature), or change your terminal emulation to match the firmware. In either case you will need to restart if your terminal and firmware terminal type do not match.

    Press the 'b' key if you want to reboot now.

    Diagnosis: Your console is not set to the correct terminal type.

    Correction: One solution is to run the client console from an hpterm. Launch it with this command:

    # hpterm -sb -sl 10000&

    You must reboot the client by pressing b after the NOTE above, or if you missed this opportunity, reboot by cycling the power. Continue from “Boot the Client System from the Ignite-UX Server”


    See hpterm(1X) by issuing the command

    # man hpterm

  2. If the Source Location Options menu is displayed, leave it at the default selection: Ignite-UX server based installation. For the User Interface Options, select Advanced Installation by navigating to that line with tab and pressing enter, or by pressing a, then select OK.

  3. If there is more than one network interface on the client system, you will be prompted to select the correct one for connecting to the server system. Select the LAN interface you entered in the server's /etc/bootptab or /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file.

  4. Ignite-UX then looks for networking information.

  5. If a DHCP server is found, the NETWORK CONFIGURATION screen will contain the client's hostname and IP address. If there is networking configuration available for the server, it will be filled-in as well. Make sure the NETWORK CONFIGURATION parameters are set so the client system can contact the server. Then select OK.

    Common Errors

    Failed to read “INDEX” file from the install server. Check that the install server's IP address is correct and the server has the “Ignite-UX” product loaded and is available via the tftp(1) service.

    Press any key to return to the network configuration menu:

    Diagnosis: The client can't find the Ignite-UX server.

    Correction: One possibility is that the wrong LAN was selected from the “LAN Interface Selection” menu above. Press any key to return to the LAN Interface Selection menu and make sure the correct LAN is selected.

  6. The Ignite-UX server will then be contacted for installation configuration information for the client. (A dialog box will be displayed on the server with information that this client has been found.) The client configuration information is then displayed in the TUI version of the client installation configuration interface, also referred to as itool.

    From the Configurations: data field, select the correct cfg clause. This is the cfg clause you created in step 2 of “Create the HP-UX OE Configuration Information on the Ignite-UX Server”, and was named “B.11.23 From OE Media” in the example.

    Common Errors


    The currently selected configuration does not contain any environments. You may want to select another configuration.

    Diagnosis: The default configuration does not have an OE depot in it.

    Correction: This does not affect the configuration you created. Select the cfg clause you created as described above.

  7. Configure your client's installation using the Ignite-UX itool TUI. Modify the fields of the configuration interface at your discretion. Navigate the TUI using the tab to move around and by pressing enter to make selections. You can use shortcut keys (indicated with an underline) to make a selection, but they do not work when the cursor is positioned at an input field. Using shortcuts can significantly reduce the time required to navigate the TUI itool.

    Not all fields in the configuration interface require attention. In fact, a quick installation can be launched by accepting the default configuration for your version of HP-UX and then clicking Go!.

    At a minimum, you might want to define the root password, set the time zone, and set the DNS configuration information.

    1. Navigate to the System tab.

    2. Define the root password by selecting the Set Root Password... button.

    3. Set the time zone by selecting the Set Time Zone button.

    4. Set the DNS configuration information by selecting the Network Services... button on the System screen.

      Then select the DNS tab from the Network Services screen.

    5. Once you select OK on the DNS tab, you will be returned to the itool. From there, select Go! to begin the cold install of the client.

      CAUTION: A cold-install overwrites all data on the client disks selected for inclusion into any LVM volume group or VxVM disk group.

  8. Make sure you read all the preinstall analysis information on the itool Confirmation screen. If you feel the cold install may proceed, select Go!.

  9. After selecting Go!, the cold install will proceed. Status information is displayed on the client console as the installation progresses.

The cold install of the client system is now complete.

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