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Software Distributor Administration Guide: HP-UX 11i v1, 11i v2, and 11i v3 > Chapter 2 Installing Software

Configuring Your Installation (swconfig)


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The swconfig command runs configuration scripts. Although swinstall and swremove automatically run configuration or unconfiguration scripts, swconfig lets you work independently of these commands. This lets you:

  • Execute scripts to address problems if a configuration fails, is deferred, or must be changed.

  • Explicitly configure, unconfigure or reconfigure any installed software that has associated configuration scripts.

  • Configure or unconfigure hosts that share software located on another host.

Features and Limitations

  • swconfig can execute these kinds of scripts:


    Configures installed filesets or products. (Executed by swconfig and swinstall.)


    Requests an interactive response from the user as part of the configuration process.


    Undoes configurations performed by configure scripts. For example, removing configuration from the host’s /etc/profile or /sbin/rc files. This moves the software from the configured state back to installed.

  • The swconfig command runs only from the command line interface.

  • The swconfig command configures the host on which the software will run.

  • Filesets or products can include configure (unconfigure) scripts.

  • The swinstall and swremove commands do not automatically run configuration scripts when you specify an alternate root directory with these commands. You must run swconfig to configure or unconfigure alternate roots.

  • Automatic configuration can also be postponed on software installed to the root directory, / (for example, when multiple versions are installed), by using the defer_configure command option with swinstall or swremove.

  • By default, swconfig only supports configuration of compatible software. You can switch this feature on or off with the allow_incompatible option.

  • If a fileset relies on another software product for proper operation, that software product must be in a configured state and is controlled by the enforce_dependencies option.

  • The swconfig command configures only one version of a fileset at a time, controllable through the allow_multiple_versions option.

  • The swconfig command moves software between the installed and configured states.

  • The swconfig command uses dependencies to automatically select software on which to operate (in addition to any software you specify directly). See “Software Dependencies ” for more information.

NOTE: When a swinstall session includes a reboot fileset (such as when you update the core HP-UX operating system to a newer release), the configure scripts are automatically run as part of the system start-up process after the system reboots. You do not have to run swconfig to complete the configuration.

The Configuration Process

The configure process has three phases: selection, analysis, and configuration.

Phase I: Selection

In this phase, swconfig resolves the software selections.

Phase II: Analysis

In this phase, swconfig determines if the software can be configured successfully (includes checks of software existence, prerequisites). If you execute swconfig with the -p (preview) option, the command stops after completing analysis and does not change anything on the host.

Analysis takes place on the local host. The configuration phase will not take place if any errors occur during analysis. Errors in the analysis phase will only exclude those products that had errors in them. If only warnings occur, the task continues.

The sequential analysis tasks on the host are:

  1. Initiate analysis.

  2. Process software selections:

    Get information from the Installed Product Database and check for compatibility.

    The system checks that all software is compatible with the host’s uname attributes. This check is controlled by the allow_incompatible command option. If it is set to false, the system produces an error; if set to true, it produces a warning.

  3. Check state of versions currently installed:

    • If the product is non-existent or corrupt, the task issues an error that says the product cannot be configured and to use swinstall to install and configure this product.

    • If the versions currently installed are not configured and if the -u (unconfigure) option is set, the system issues a note that the selected file or fileset is already unconfigured.

    • If the state of versions currently installed is configured, the check is affected by the reconfigure option. A note saying the fileset is already configured and will (reconfigure is true) or will not (reconfigure is false) be reconfigured is issued.

  4. Check for configuring a second version:

    If the allow_multiple_versions option is set to false, an error is generated stating that another version of this product is already configured and the fileset will not be configured. If the option is set to true, the second version is also configured.

  5. Check states of dependencies needed:

    • An error or warning is issued if a dependency cannot be met. This is controlled by the enforce_dependencies option. If enforce_dependencies is set to true the fileset will not be configured. If enforce_dependencies is false, the fileset will be configured anyway.

    • If the dependency is a prerequisite, the configuration fails.

    • If the dependency is a corequisite, the configuration of this fileset will likely succeed, but the product may not be usable until its corequisite dependency is installed and configured.

Phase III: Configuration

In this phase, the actual software configuration takes place. Configure or unconfigure scripts are executed and the software state is changed from installed to configured (or unconfigured).

The purpose of configuration is to configure the host for the software and configure the product for host specific information. For example, software may need to change the host’s .rc setup, or the default environment set in /etc/profile. Or you may need to ensure that proper codewords are in place for that host or do some compilations. Unconfiguration reverses these steps.

The sequence of configuration tasks is shown below. Products are ordered by prerequisite dependencies, if any. Fileset operations are also ordered by any prerequisites.

  1. (Un)configure each product.

  2. Run scripts for associated filesets, checking return values.

    If an error occurs, the fileset is left in the installed state. If a warning occurs, the fileset will still be configured.

  3. Update the IPD to show the proper installed or configured state.

Configure scripts must also adhere to specific guidelines. For example, these scripts are only executed in the context of the host that the software will be running on, so they are not as restrictive as customized scripts. For more information on scripts, see Chapter 11: “Using Control Scripts ”.

Using swconfig


swconfig [-p] [-u] [-v] [-c catalog] [-C session_file] [-f software_file] [-Q date] [-S session_file] [-t target_file] [-x option=value] [-X option_file] [software_selections] [@ target_selections]

Options and Operands


Preview a configuration task by running it through the Analysis Phase and then exiting.


Unconfigure the software instead of configuring it.


Turn on verbose output to stdout and display all activity to the screen.

-c catalog

Store copy of a response file or files created by a request script. See Chapter 11: “Using Control Scripts ”.

-C session_file

Run the command and save the current option and operand values to a session_file for re-use in another session. See “Session Files”.

-f software_file

Read a list of software selections from a separate file instead of (or in addition to) the command line. See “Software Files”.

-Q date

Schedules a job for the given date when remote operations are enabled. See “Scheduling Jobs from the Command Line” and Chapter 7: “Remote Operations Overview”

-S session_file

Run the command based on values saved from a previous installation session, as defined in session_file. See “Session Files”.

-t target_file

Read a list of target selections from a separate file instead of (or in addition to) the command line. See “Target Files”.

-x option=value

Sets a command option to value and overrides default values or a values in options files. See “Changing Command Options”.

-X option_file

Read session options and behaviors from option_file. See “Changing Command Options”.


The software objects to be configured. See “Software Selections”.


The target of the command. See “Target Selections”.

Changing Command Options

You can change the behavior of this command by specifying additional command-line options when you invoke the command (using the -xoption) or by reading predefined values from a file. The following table shows the options and default values that apply to swconfig.

Table 2-5 swconfig Command Options and Default Values

  • admin_directory=/var/adm/sw

  • agent_auto_exit=true

  • agent_timeout_minutes=10000

  • allow_incompatible=false

  • allow_multiple_versions=false

  • ask=false

  • autoremove_job=false

  • autoselect_dependencies=true

  • autoselect_dependents=true

  • autoselect_minimum_dependencies=false

  • compress_index=false

  • controller_source=

  • enforce_dependencies=true

  • enforce_scripts=true

  • installed_software_catalog=products

  • job_title=

  • log_msgid=0

  • logdetail=false

  • logfile=/var/adm/sw/swconfig.log

  • loglevel=1

  • mount_all_filesystems=true

  • preview=false

  • reconfigure=false

  • reuse_short_job_numbers=true

  • rpc_binding_info=​ncacn_ip_tcp:[2121] ncadg_ip_udp:[2121]

  • rpc_timeout=5

  • run_as_superuser=true

  • select_local=true

  • software=

  • targets=

  • verbose=1

  • write_remote_files=false


For More Information

See Appendix A for more information about setting options and a complete listing and description of each option.

Configuration Tasks and Examples

To configure productA, located in the root on the local host:

swconfig productA

To unconfigure the software selections in the file mysoft that are installed in the default directory on the local host:

swconfig -u -f mysoft

To reconfigure the Omniback product using the default option values:

swconfig -x reconfigure=true Omniback

To configure a particular version of Omniback:

swconfig Omniback,r=2.0

To configure the C and Pascal products on the local host:

swconfig cc pascal

To configure Product1, use any associated response files generated by a request script, and save response files under /tmp/resp1:

swconfig -x ask=true -c /tmp/resp1 Product1

To reconfigure the HP Omniback product:

swconfig -x reconfigure=true Omniback

To configure the version of HP Omniback that was installed at /opt/Omniback_v2.0:

swconfig Omniback,l=/opt/Omniback_v2.0

To unconfigure the software_selections listed in the file /tmp/install.products on the hosts listed in the file /tmp/install.hosts:

# swconfig -u -f /tmp/install.products \ -t /tmp/install.hosts
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