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HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Configuration Management: HP-UX 11i Version 3 > Chapter 6 Configuring Printers

Adding a Remote Printer to the LP Spooler


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The easiest way to add a printer to a remote system is to run HP SMH. If you elect to use HP-UX commands, review Step 5 under“Adding a Remote Printer Using Text-Based HP SMH”, as this information will also be required when performing the task manually.

Adding a Remote Printer Using Text-Based HP SMH

NOTE: HP SMH does not verify that an actual printer exists on a remote system. Be sure the printer is installed and configured, and if necessary, use HP SMH to configure it on the remote system before adding it as a remote printer.
  1. As a privileged user, start text-based HP SMH. See“Starting Text-Based HP SMH”. You can invoke it with or without the X Window interface.

  2. Press p, Printers and Plotters.

  3. Highlight and select Printers and Plotters.

    An X Window or graphical text screen is displayed.

  4. From the Action pulldown menu, choose Add Remote Printer/Plotter.

  5. Provide information for the following data fields:

    • Printer Name

      The name you will use on this system.

    • Remote System Name

      The full domain name of the system that hosts the printer.

    • Remote Printer Name

      The name of the printer as it is known on the remote system.

    • Remote Printer is on a BSD system

      Check the box if the remote operating system is BSD.

    • Remote Cancel Name

      The default is rcmodel.

    • Remote Status Name

      The default is rsmodel.

    • Default Request Priority

      This is the minimum priority (fence) that a print job must have in order to print on this printer. 0 is the lowest.

    • Allow Anyone to Cancel a Request

      Check the box if you want to allow anyone, not just the owner or a superuser, to cancel print requests for this printer. This can be a convenient idea for a small workgroup.

    • Make this Printer the Default Destination

      Check the box to make this printer your system’s default.

  6. When all fields are filled in, select OK. If the configuration was unsuccessful, HP SMH returns with troubleshooting information. Most likely problems will be related to the remote system configuration. Check as follows:

    1. Edit /etc/services (on the remote system), and if necessary, uncomment the line beginning with printer by removing the #.

    2. Ensure no systems are restricted from access by /var/adm/inetd.sec.

    3. Make sure rlpdaemon is running.

Adding a Remote Printer Using HP-UX Commands

  1. Ensure that you have superuser capabilities.

  2. Add the remote printer.

    • If the remote printer is on an HP-UX system, enter:

      # lpadmin -plocal_printer -v /dev/null -mrmodel \ > -ormremote_machine -orpremote_dest -ocmrcmodel \ > -osmrsmodel
    • If the remote printer is not on an HP-UX system, enter:

      # lpadmin -plocal_printer -v /dev/null -mrmodel \ > -ormremote_machine -orpremote_dest -ocmrcmodel \ > -osmrsmodel -ob3

      See lpadmin(1M) for details on the options. Also see the HP-UX System Administrator’s Guide: Overview for model information for the -m and -o* options.

  3. Allow print requests to be accepted for the newly added remote printer. For example:

    # /usr/sbin/accept local_printer
  4. Enable the newly added printer to process print requests. For example:

    # /usr/bin/enable local_printer
  5. If the printer being added will be the default printer, execute the following:

    # /usr/sbin/lpadmin -dlocal_printer
  6. Start the LP spooler if it is not already running to process print requests.

    # /usr/sbin/lpsched
  7. Send a sample print job to the printer.

    • If it prints, the remote printing daemon (rlpdaemon) is active on the system and your task is completed.

    • If your print job does not print, the remote printing daemon (rlpdaemon) is not active yet on the remote machine. Activate the rlpdaemon on the host system where the remote printer resides, as follows:

      • Examine the file /etc/inetd.conf and look for the following line:

        # printer stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rlpdaemon rlpdaemon -i

        If a # sign appears at the beginning of the line, the rlpdaemon line is commented out, preventing the printer from printing remotely.

        Edit the file /etc/inetd.conf to remove the # sign. Save the file.

      • Check /etc/services and look for:

        # printer 515/tcp spooler #remote print spooling

        If a # sign appears at the beginning of the line, the service is commented out, preventing the remote print spooler from serving the printer.

        Edit the file to remove the # sign in the first column. Save the file.

      • Reconfigure the Internet daemon inetd, forcing it to reread the /etc/inetd.conf file. Invoke the following command:

        # /usr/sbin/inetd -c

        Also, look for entries in /var/adm/inetd.sec that restrict which systems can send remote print requests.

  8. Test the printer using the LP spooler, then check the LP spooler’s status. For example:

    # lp -dlocal_printer /etc/motd # lpstat -t
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