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HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Overview: HP-UX 11i Version 3 > Chapter 1 HP-UX Version 3 at a Glance

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With each new release, HP-UX gains new features and enhancements to previously existing features (to enhance their ease of use). Here are a few key features of HP-UX 11i version 3. For the complete list of what is new or changed in HP-UX 11i version 3, please see HP-UX 11i Version 3 Release Notes.

New Processor Terminology

With the advent of multiple-core chips—processor chips with more than one processing unit formerly identified as a CPU—HP is using new terminology to describe processing units, chips, and systems. The HP-UX System Administrator’s Guide uses the following terminology:

NOTE: The items in this list represent current terminology. A more comprehensive list of terms is located in the “Glossary”.

Represented in this document by the double-gear symbol above, a “core,” (formerly referred to as a “CPU”) is an individual processing unit on a processor chip (see processor). For reasons of clarity, occasionally this document will refer to a core as a “processing core”.


Represented in this document by a solid square surrounding one or more symbols for a core, a “processor” is a physical piece of silicon containing one or more cores.

Hardware Threading

A hardware technique used in Itanium processors to enhance the computational performance of a core. Itanium processors are those used in HP Integrity Servers.

Software Threading

A parallel computing technique used by applications and operating systems to enhance processing efficiency.


Formerly referred to as a “system” or “computer”, this document primarily uses the term “server” to describe the physical cabinet containing cell boards, processors, memory, and power supplies.


This document occasionally uses the term “system” to define what could be a server or a subset of a server (a partition) running an independent copy of HP-UX. It will also use the term system to define what could be a server or another type of system (for example a Windows based PC).

Operating System

Throughout this document, a dotted line surrounding icons for cores and processors indicates an instance of an operating system (HP-UX or otherwise).

Server Nomenclature

When describing servers, cell-boards, or other components capable of holding processor chips, HP now uses the nomenclature xP/yC, where x refers to the maximum number of processors the item can hold, and y refers to the maximum number of cores the item can hold.


  • A server defined as a 1P/1C server (representing one processor/one core) is the simplest of all functional configurations. It contains one, single-core processor.

  • A server capable of holding four cell boards, each containing eight dual-core processors is a 32P/64C server. Each cell board is an 8P/16C cell board.

New Device File Format for Addressing Storage

HP-UX 11i version 3 introduces a new device file format that enables many new features, such as:

  • Allows you to establish multiple hardware paths to disk and other mass storage devices using a single device special file.

  • Allows the kernel to automatically bypass failed hardware paths without having to change the device’s associated device special file.

  • Allows you to relocate (logically or physically) a disk device to a new hardware location without having to change its device special file.

Online Activation and Deactivation of PCI Cards

HP-UX 11i version 3 expands your ability to replace hardware components on a running instance of HP-UX without having to shut down or reboot.

PCI Cards

With HP-UX 11i version 3 you can:

  • Add PCI / PCI-X cards to a running instance of HP-UX.

  • Replace a PCI / PCI-X card (with one of the same type) in a running instance of HP-UX (for example, if a card is not working properly).

  • Delete a PCI / PCI-X card from a running instance of HP-UX.

The cards and their associated drivers must support OL* operations (most do). There are also other important considerations when adding and removing PCI cards. For complete details on PCI / PCI-X Online operations, see the Interface Card OL* Support Guide (Part Number 5992–1723).

Longer User and Group Names

In HP-UX 11i version 3, User and Group names can now be up to 255 characters long. For information about configuring users and groups, see HP-UX System Administrator’s Guide: Configuration Management.

CAUTION: Be careful, when using the new longer names, to insure that all systems needing to interact with a server that uses long user/group names are capable of using the longer names. Servers using older versions of HP-UX or servers using non-HP-UX operating systems might not yet be compatible with this new feature.

Concurrent Dump

When an HP-UX system panic (crash) occurs, a memory dump is usually written to disk so that, if necessary, an analysis can be done to determine what caused the crash.[1]

On servers with very large amounts of memory, the process of writing memory contents to disk can take a very long time. If you have multiple devices configured for memory dump, HP-UX can be configured to split the task of dumping memory and write to the devices in parallel. This process is called dump concurrency and is configured using either the kernel tunable dump_concurrent_on (see dump_concurrent_on(5)), or the crash-processing configuration command crashconf (see crashconf(1M)).

For additional information on the crash dump sequence, see “Abnormal Shutdowns (System Crashes)”.

For More Information on HP-UX 11i Version 3

For complete descriptions of what is new/changed in HP-UX 11i version 3, please read HP-UX 11i Version 3 Release Notes.

[1] Whether or not a crash dump is written to disk is configurable.

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