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HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Security Management: HP-UX 11i Version 3 > Chapter 3 HP-UX Bastille

Removing HP-UX Bastille


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When HP-UX Bastille is removed from a system, it does not revert the system to the state it was in before HP-UX Bastille was run. Instead, removal of the software leaves behind the revert-actions script. This allows the administrator to revert the configuration files that HP-UX Bastille has performed without having HP-UX Bastille installed. In many cases, HP-UX Bastille changes are recorded at the file level, so the revert-actions script is only able to revert the files that have been modified.

In other cases, HP-UX Bastille makes more granular changes that can be reverted programmatically even if you have made your own intervening changes in the same file. For example, permissions can be reverted to their original form even if you have modified the file on which the permissions were changed.

  1. Use swremove to remove HP-UX Bastille from an HP-UX machine.

  2. (Optional) To revert changes on a system where HP-UX Bastille has been removed, enter the following commands:

    # cd /var/opt/sec_mgmt/bastille/revert/ # chmod 0500 revert-actions # ./revert-actions # mv revert-actions revert-actions.last
  3. Check if a to-revert list, /var/opt/sec_mgmt/bastille/TOREVERT.txt, has been created. If one exists, perform the actions in the list to complete the revert process.

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