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HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide: HP Integrity Server Blades, HP Integrity Servers, and HP 9000 Servers > Chapter 5 Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v3 From Media

Cold-installing HP-UX 11i v3


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This section describes cold-installing from the HP-UX 11i v3 DVDs.

Before you begin, review Appendix A for any installation issues that apply to your system.

This section contains the following tasks:

Required Media. Have these DVDs ready from the HP-UX 11i v3 media kit:

  • HP-UX 11i v3 DVDs

  • HP-UX 11i v3 Applications DVD

CAUTION: Cold-installing overwrites everything on the target disk(s).

Before You Begin

Before you cold-install HP-UX 11i v3, you need to collect information about your existing system. This section contains tables where you can record information. Then, when you are installing HP-UX 11i v3, you use information from the Miscellaneous Data and Network Data collection tables when needed.

Use the collection tables:

  • If you chose the Advanced Installation, an interface gives you the opportunity to enter all of this data at the beginning of the install. The Advanced Installation also gives you more control over file system configuration. The interface is a tabbed file-folder and character-based.

  • If you choose to network-enable your system, you must designate a unique host name, host Internet Protocol (IP) address, and other network information for your server.

    Contact your site network administrator for the details to include in these tables.

NOTE: During an installation, Ignite-UX configures the root, dump, and swap devices with the new HP-UX 11i v3 mass storage stack agile addressing representation. This means that, after installing, the commands that display the boot, dump, and swap devices will show them using the agile form. During a cold-install of HP-UX 11i v3, both legacy and persistent DSFs are automatically created. By default, the installation process will configure system devices like the boot, root, swap, and dump devices to use persistent DSFs. For more information on the new mass storage stack, see the white paper called, The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack: HP-UX 11i v3 at: http://docs.hp.com/

Miscellaneous Data Collection Table

Table 5-1 may contain some items that are not familiar to you, but you will be prompted for this information during the install.

The install process describes all options in detail, so you can defer making decisions about items that are unfamiliar to you until you reach that point in the install.

Table 5-1 Miscellaneous Data

Type of Data

Your Specific Data

Root Disk Path

NOTE: Your root disk will typically display a legacy style Path name. However, HP-UX 11i v3 contains a new naming scheme for Root Disks. Please refer to the white paper called, The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack: HP-UX 11i v3 for information on how to identify your legacy root disk device name in the agile HP-UX 11i v3 naming scheme. You can display the legacy hardware path using the More Info screen to show details on a specific lunpath hardware path.

Root Swap Space 
Filesystem Type LVM, VxVM w/VxFS, or Whole disk with VxFS 
Root Disk Volume Group Disks (How many disks you want placed into the root disk volume group and whether or not you want the disks to be striped or mirrored?) 
Select additional software  

Pre-Installed Disk Information (Is overwritten during the install disk; see Root Disk Path)



Network Data Collection Table

Table 5-2 provides HP-UX commands that you can use after the install to confirm specific information.

Table 5-2 Network Data

Type of Data

Your Specific Data

HP-UX Command to Confirm Data After System is Up and Running

Host Name uname -n/hostname
Host IP Address nslookup hostname
Subnet Mask grep SUBNET_MASK /etc/rc.config.d/netconf
Default Gateway IP Address grep ROUTE_GATEWAY /etc/rc.config.d/netconf
Domain Name cat /etc/resolv.conf
DNS IP Address cat /etc/resolv.conf
NIS Domain Name grep NIS_DOMAIN /etc/rc.config.d/namesvrs


Task 1: Booting Your Machine

This task describes how to boot your system from the install media. If you want to boot an Itanium-based system, follow the instructions in the section called, Booting Your Itanium-based System below. If you want to boot a PA-RISC system, follow the instructions in “Booting Your PA-RISC System”.

Booting Your Itanium-based System

  1. Make sure any external devices that need to be configured at cold-install are connected to the target system and are turned on and operational.

  2. Insert the HP-UX 11i v3 DVD (Disk 1) into the drive.

  3. Turn the system on, reboot, or cycle power.

    • If the system boots automatically, the kernel scans the system for I/O devices.

    • If the system does not boot automatically, it goes to the boot menu. It is a timed menu; press any key to stop the timer. Then, you can run the install manually from the EFI shell using the following steps:

    1. From the boot menu, select EFI Shell (Built In).

    2. At the EFI shell prompt, specify the device name (for example, fs1:) for the DVD-ROM and then enter the EFI install command, as in the following example

      If the device is not automatically selected, select the device name for the DVD-ROM and then execute install. For example, from the EFI shell prompt, you may see something similar to the following:

      Shell> fs1:

      fs1:\> install

      If you do not see the DVD-ROM device, use the map command to list all device names from the EFI shell prompt.

      The list of devices is displayed automatically, and the install process selects the device for you.

    NOTE: Your DVD device may not always be fs1. Make sure you verify the ID appropriate to your DVD device.

After the kernel has booted, it scans the system for I/O devices.

Booting Your PA-RISC System

  1. Make sure any external devices that need to be configured at cold-install are connected to the target system and are turned on and operational.

  2. Insert the HP-UX 11i v3 DVD into the drive.

  3. Stop the autoboot by pressing any key.

    The boot console menu is displayed. If you need help, enter: HELP

  4. Ensure that Fast Boot is enabled.

    1. Select the Configuration Menu: CO

    2. If the Fast Boot selection is available, switch Fast Boot ON:

      FB ON

    3. Return to the Main Menu: MA (Remember to switch Fast Boot back OFF after installing HP-UX 11i.)

      The full memory check that is run when Fast Boot is OFF may take several hours on a large system.

  5. Search for bootable devices, using the choices displayed (for example, enter searchorsea). A table similar to this is displayed:

    Path#  Device Path       Device Type -----  -----------       ----------- P0     SCSI         HP DVD-ROM P1     LAN.  P2     FWSCSI.6.0        IBM DDRS-34560WS

    Of the media listed, a fast/wide SCSI device (FWSCSI) is usually a disk, whereas a single-ended SCSI device (SCSI) can be a disk or CD/DVD drive.

    NOTE: The search or sea command will only display legacy hardware paths and will not display agile hardware paths. You will see the agile hardware path after booting your system. Please note that both forms of hardware paths are supported (legacy and agile) and you can specify either hardware path in the Boot command. However, only the legacy hardware path can be displayed from the Search command.
  6. For a legacy hardware path, boot from the DVD drive using the listed path number. For the drive shown in the previous example (P0), enter:  BOOT P0

    Please note that if you know the agile hardware path, you may enter it as well, however it requires a specific format compatible with the BCH interface limited to 32-bit elements. Use the command, ioscan -e to display the boot path format to be used here to enter a lunpath hardware path in the BOOT command.

    For an agile hardware path, boot from the DVD drive using the full agile hardware path name:  BOOT full_hardware_path

    For more information on agile hardware paths, refer to the white paper called, The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack: HP-UX 11i v3 at the HP Technical Documentation Web site:


  7. After a few minutes, at the Interact with IPL? prompt press n.

    The install kernel loads (3-5 minutes), after which a screen might prompt you to enter the keyboard language of your console.

  8. Enter the number and press Enter again to confirm.

Task 2: Selecting Your Installation Type

The system displays the Ignite-UX welcome screen for the HP-UX installation process. When the initial Ignite-UX welcome screen appears, read how to navigate and select choices on this terminal interface:

  • Use the Tab key to navigate between fields and the arrow keys to navigate within fields.

  • Use the Enter key to select an item. Pressing Enter or the spacebar opens a menu list.

  • For Help, use Ctrl-K for navigation key help and Ctrl-F (or F1) for context-sensitive help.

  • You can enter the underlined letter of an item (such as I for install HP-UX) to navigate more quickly.

The remainder of this section describes how to choose the degree of customization needed to configure your installation.

  1. If the install detects that you have a PS2 or USB keyboard, the system displays the Language Mapping screen. Select the number of the language you want to use, for example, 26 and then press Enter to confirm your choice.

    In order to use a keyboard on this interface, you must specify a language mapping which will be used by X windows and the Internal Terminal Emulator (ITE). The characters “1234567890” will appear as “!@#$^&*()” on keyboards that use the shift key to type a number. Your choice will be stored in the file /etc/kbdlang 1) USB_PS2_DIN_Belgian          2)USB_PS2_DIN_Belgian_Euro 3) USB_PS2_DIN_Danish           4)USB_PS2_DIN_Danish_Euro 5) USB_PS2_DIN_Euro_Spanish     6)USB_PS2_DIN_Euro_Spanish_Euro 7) USB_PS2_DIN_French           8)USB_PS2_DIN_French_Euro 9) USB_PS2_DIN_German           10)USB_PS2_DIN_German_Euro 11) USB_PS2_DIN_Italian         12)USB_PS2_DIN_Italian_Euro 13) USB_PS2_DIN_JIS_109         14)USB_PS2_DIN_Korean 15) USB_PS2_DIN_Norwegian       16)USB_PS2_DIN_Norwegian_Euro 17) USB_PS2_DIN_S_Chinese       18)USB_PS2_DIN_Swedish 19) USB_PS2_DIN_Swedish_Euro    20)USB_PS2_DIN_Swiss_French2_Euro 21) USB_PS2_DIN_Swiss_German2   22)USB_PS2_DIN_Swiss_German2_Euro 23) USB_PS2_DIN_T_Chinese       24)USB_PS2_DIN_UK_English 25) USB_PS2_DIN_UK_English_Euro 26)USB_PS2_DIN_US_English 27) USB_PS2_DIN_US_English_Euro
  2. From the Ignite-UX Welcome screen, select Install HP-UX to begin interacting with the Ignite-UX (cold-install) program and then press Enter. The system displays the User Interface and Media Options.

  3. From the User Interface and Media Options window, choose the degree of customizing needed to configure the installation. Mark your choices and select OK.

    • Select from one of the three choices shown in Source Location Options:

      • Media only installation is the default setting for installing from a DVD.

      • Media with network enabled is recommended when you want basic networking enabled during installation so you can load software from a network depot (when an Ignite-UX server is not available).

      • Ignite-UX server based installation is recommended if you have an Ignite-UX server configured on your network and you want to supply custom configurations during the installation.

    • Select from one of the choices shown in User Interface Options:

      • Guided Installation provides limited system configuration and is expected to be deprecated in a future release.

      • Advanced Installation enables you to accept all the default installation parameters or fully customize your system such as configuring multiple disks and adjusting file system sizes. HP recommends choosing the Advanced Installation option to configure your installation.

      • No User Interface is recommended if you want to accept all the default installation parameters and you do not need to verify the configuration using the user interface.

    The remaining sections take you through the Media only installation option and the Advanced Installation option. For more help on using the Advanced Installation screens, refer to the Ignite-UX Administration Guide.

Task 3: Configuring Your Installation

At this point, the system displays the Basic tab of the Ignite-UX itool Terminal User Interface (TUI) for the HP-UX Advanced installation process. The Basic tab shows all the basic information for setting up the file system and for loading the Operating Environment. It also allows you to configure languages, locale, and keyboard requirements.

  1. In the Configurations field select an overall system configuration that you want to use for this installation.

  2. In the Environments field, select the type of Operating Environment you want to install on your system. Press Enter to view the choices.

  3. In the Root Disk field, select the disk to store your root file system. Press Enter to view the choices. If you are unsure of what to choose, keep the default selection that has been determined by Ignite-UX.

    HP-UX 11i v3 contains a new naming scheme for Root Disks. Please note that the Root Disk screen displays the lunpath hardware path instead of the legacy hardware path. You can select More Info to view the legacy hardware path for the root disk selected.

    For more information, refer to the Ignite-UX Administration Guide available at the HP Technical Documentation Web site: http://docs.hp.com/en/oshpux11iv3.html

    NOTE: The lunpath hardware path selected is used only to identify the Root Disk itself, and any available path to that disk may then be used as boot path. Therefore, it is normal to see a different lunpath hardware path to the disk used as boot path.
  4. In the File System field, select the type of volume manager and file system you want to use for your root disk. Press Enter to view the choices. Unless you have other requirements, use the default value chosen by Ignite-UX.

  5. In the Languages field, press Enter to browse the available languages, marking the desired selections.You can make any of the selections the system default language. This will become the system default language after it is installed. Make sure HPUXLocales is marked Yes.

    The locale settings that were previously in HP-UX 11i v2 and located in the CDE language bundle are now located in the HPUXLocales bundle. The HPUXLocales bundle contains internationalization support for many languages. This support includes date and time formats, currency, sorting methods, and so on.

    NOTE: CDE is an optional product in HP-UX 11i v3. If you require it, you must explicitly select the CDE bundle (CDE-XXX). This applies if you need dtterm, which is located in CDE. For some localization situations, dtterm is required, therefore CDE must be selected.
  6. Use the Software tab to change the software that will be installed on your system, if desired. If you chose the No User Interface option, then you cannot deselect the default-installed software bundles.

    To select or deselect the software bundles:

    • Navigate to the Software tab.

    • Select any additional software that you want loaded onto your system and deselect any default-installed software that you do not want loaded on your system. Browse the list, marking your selections. Use the arrow keys to select a bundle and the spacebar to change the option.

    • To improve the software selection process, HP-UX 11i v3 offers the following product categories from which you can select:

    Table 5-3 HP-UX 11i v3 Software Product Categories

    Software Category



    Compilers and Development Tools


    Core HP-UX Functionality


    Desktop Environments


    File Systems and Volume Mgmt


    I/O Drivers


    High Availability


    Internet Services


    Internet Software Tools


    Computing Interoperability Tools


    Java Tools and Utilities




    HP-UX Manual Pages


    Migration to HP-UX Tools


    Networking Infrastructure


    Product Obsolescence


    Performance Tools


    Security Tools


    Security Level Choices


    Diagnostic and Support Tools


    System Management Tools


    Miscellaneous Utilities

    OE OptionalAll optional bundles in the OE
    OE RecommendedAll recommended bundles in the OE
    OE RequiredAll required bundles in the OE


    Each of the product categories listed in the table above contain software bundles that are further separated into the following categories:

    • OE Required: Software that is required and is always installed with the operating system. Software in this category cannot be deselected.

    • OE Recommended: Software that is recommended and should be installed because it fulfills the required software dependencies, if any exist. Software in this category can be deselected.

    • OE Optional: Software that does not have to be installed. You can choose to select the desired software bundles prior to installing your system. .

    To install a minimal operating system configuration (base OS) you can deselect the recommended bundles. Only the minimal core OS will be installed on your system when you deselect the recommended bundles. You can use the OE Recommended software product category to select or deselect all recommended items.

    CAUTION: HP recommends that you do not deselect recommended software bundles or remove them from your system unless you know for certain that the software contained in these bundles is not required for your operating environment. In addition, software may have unstated dependencies. Deselecting software may prevent products with dependencies on the software you deselected from functioning correctly.
  7. Use the System tab to configure system parameters such as security levels, host name, IP address, root password, and the time zone. You must set the appropriate security setting for your system at this time; you can choose to set the other system parameters now or at the first boot of your system, using set_parms(1M).

    To set the appropriate security settings for your system, do the following:

    • Navigate to the System tab and select Security Choices.

      The four security levels appear. By default, Sec00Tools is selected.

    • Select the appropriate security setting for your system.

    • Select OK.

  8. Use the File System tab to perform a variety of file-system and disk-configuration tasks: for example resizing file systems and adding and removing disks. You can also re-configure the volume structure and associated file system mount points. The File System tab will differ in appearance, depending on whether you previously selected LVM or whole disk on the Basic tab.

    Please note that renaming or changing any disk file system structure on which Ignite-UX installs file system content causes the old file system on that disk to be lost. For more information on using the File System tab, refer to the Ignite-UX Administration Guide.

  9. Use the Show Summary button to view a summary of how your system will be configured. If you see any problems, or want to change any of your selections, back up to the appropriate step, and make the needed changes; otherwise select Go! (at the bottom of the screen) to initiate the installation. Ignite-UX executes a pre-installation consistency check to identify any errors that must be corrected before the installation can proceed.

  10. The system typically displays the Confirmation Dialog box that lists errors, warnings and notes for the configuration settings. Review any errors, warnings, or notes displayed in the Confirmation Dialog box. If there are any errors, they will need to be resolved before the installation can continue.

    Warning messages will list which disks that currently contain a recognized file system will be overwritten during the install process. If you see a disk in the list that you do not want included, back up to the root disk selection and choose another disk; if the settings are correct, continue on to the next step.

  11. After you have reviewed all of the information on the Confirmation Dialog box and resolved any errors, select Go! (at the bottom of the screen) to initiate the installation.

    As the installation proceeds, you will see a log detailing output from the software installation. After the software is installed, the system will reboot prior to configuring the software and once again after installation is complete.

    If your system was factory integrated, or if you chose to set the system parameters at the first boot of your system, the system will power down after the installation and ask for these system parameters at the next boot of your system.

Task 4: Finishing Your Installation

If your system was factory integrated, or if you chose to set the system parameters at the first boot of your system, the system will power down after the installation and ask for these system parameters at the next boot of your system.

Reboot your system. The Welcome to HP-UX screen is displayed and you will be prompted through a series of screens.

You may need to select or specify other available networking drivers to enable other cards on your system.

  1. To use a keyboard on this interface, you must specify a language mapping to be used by X Windows and the Internal Terminal Emulator (ITE). Choose the appropriate language. For English, select number 26.

  2. You are prompted to answer a few questions before you can use the system. The first is whether or not you plan to use the system on a network. If you completed the pre-install data collection tables you have all the information you need for set_parms, so answer Y for yes.

  3. Enter the basic network information that you collected in Table 5-1: “Miscellaneous Data”, on the screens that are displayed.

  4. Confirm your choices. You are now finished with the install procedures and presented with a login screen. Log in to the system as root.

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