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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 7 Managing Hardware Resources

Powering Cells and I/O Chassis On and Off


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You can power on or power off cells and I/O chassis by using any one of the following procedures:

You can control power for cells and I/O chassis from remote locations, without physically accessing the system hardware.

NOTE: On HP nPartition systems, powering on a cell also powers on any I/O chassis attached to the cell, and powering off a cell also powers off any I/O chassis attached to the cell.

Powering on or off an I/O chassis connected to a powered-on cell causes the cell to reset if the cell located and mapped the I/O chassis during its cell boot process.

The frupower command and Partition Manager permit you to power on or off inactive cells and I/O chassis that are assigned to the current nPartition or are not assigned to any nPartition.

The PE command at the service processor Command menu permits you to power on or off any hardware in the complex, including active cells and I/O chassis. The PE command does not check the current usage of components.

Procedure 7-3 Powering Cells and I/O Chassis On and Off (Service Processor)

Use the Command menu PE command to power on and power off cells, I/O chassis, and cabinets from the service processor interface (GSP or MP).

CAUTION: When using the PE command at the service processor Command menu to power on or off hardware, be certain to specify the correct component to power on or off.

The PE command does not check whether the hardware is actively being used.

You can manage the power for all components within the server complex by using the PE command at the service processor Command menu, regardless of any nPartition assignment or the status (active or inactive) for the hardware components.

  1. Login to the service processor for the server and access the Command menu.

    From the service processor Main menu, enter CM to access the Command menu. To exit the Command menu enter MA.

  2. Issue the PE command and specify the type of hardware whose power you want to turn on or turn off.

    You can manage power to cells, I/O chassis, and cabinets.

  3. Specify the hardware device to power on or power off.

    The service processor does not check whether the specified component is currently being used.

    • Cabinets—When you power on or off a cabinet, the firmware also powers on or off all cells and I/O chassis in the cabinet.

    • Cells—When you power on or off a cell, the firmware also powers on or off any I/O chassis attached to the cell.

      When specifying a cell, you indicate both the cabinet number and the slot in which the cell resides.

    • I/O Chassis—When you power off an I/O chassis from the service processor Command menu, the system firmware resets the cell attached to the I/O chassis (if the cell located and mapped the I/O chassis during its cell boot process).

      When specifying an I/O chassis, you indicate the cabinet, bay, and chassis numbers to identify it.

    In the following example, the service processor powers off cell 2 in cabinet 0.

    GSP:CM> PE This command controls power enable to a hardware device. B - Cabinet C - Cell I - IO Chassis Select Device: c Enter cabinet number: 0 Enter slot number: 2 The power is ON for the Cell in Cabinet 0, Slot 2. In what state do you want the power for the Cell in Cabinet 0, Slot 2? (ON/OFF) OFF GSP:CM>

Procedure 7-4 Powering Cells and I/O Chassis On and Off (nPartition Commands)

From the command line, use the frupower -o -c# and frupower -f -c# commands to power on and power off cells (and their associated I/O chassis).

NOTE: You can remotely perform this task using remote administration options supported by the Enhanced nPartition Commands or Partition Manager Version 2.0. Remote administration is supported by the Partition Manager Tools->Switch Complexes action and by the nPartition command -u... -h... options or -g... -h... options.

For details see “Tools for Managing Hardware”.

  1. Login to a system with the nPartition commands installed.

    To manage power for a cell, you must login to the nPartition to which the cell is assigned or use the Enhanced nPartition Commands remote administration features.

    If the cell is not assigned to an nPartition, you can manage its power from any nPartition or from a remote system.

  2. Use the frupower command to turn on or turn off the cell power.

    Specify the frupower -f -c# command to power off a cell. (-c#). This also powers off any I/O chassis connected to the cell.

    Specify the frupower -o -c# command to power on a cell (-c#). This also powers on any I/O chassis connected to the cell.

    The following example shows several sample frupower commands and their results.

    # frupower -f -c0 Error: Can not power off active cell 0. # frupower -f -c2 # frupower -o -c2 # frupower -f -c6 Error: Cell 6 belongs to partition 1. Can not power off cell. # # frupower -f -i0/1/1 Error: I/O chassis 0/1/1 is attached to a powered-on free cell 4. Please power off the free cell. #

    In the above example, cell 0 is active and thus cannot be powered off using frupower. Cell 2 is inactive and is powered off (frupower -f -c2) and then powered back on (frupower -o -c2). Cell 6 is assigned to a remote nPartition (partition number 1) and thus cannot be powered off. I/O chassis 0/1/1 is attached to cell 4, so to power it off cell 4 must be powered off.

Procedure 7-5 Powering Cells and I/O Chassis On and Off (Partition Manager)

You can power cells and I/O chassis on and off by using Partition Manager.

When using Partition Manager Version 1.0, select an inactive cell or I/O chassis, and use the Cell->Power Off Cell or I/O->Power Off I/O Chassis action (or a similar "Power On..." action)

When using Partition Manager Version 2.0, select an inactive cell or I/O chassis, and use the Cell->Power Off Cell or I/O->Power Off Chassis action (or a similar "Power On..." action).

NOTE: You can use Partition Manager to power on or off inactive cells.

You cannot power off active cells. To power on or off cells assigned to a remote nPartition when using Partition Manager, you must use Partition Manager Version 2.0 remote administration features.

  1. Access Partition Manager.

    For details on accessing Partition Manager or other tools, see “Tools for Managing Hardware”.

  2. Select the cell or I/O chassis you want to power on or off.

    In Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the nPartition containing the item you want to power on or off, then select the item.

    In Partition Manager Version 2.0, select the cell (or I/O chassis) that you want to power on or off.

  3. Select the Partition Manager action to power on or off the selected item.

    Select the Cell->Power On Cell action, or select the Cell->Power Off Cell action. If powering on or off an I/O chassis, instead use the I/O->Power On... or I/O->Power Off... actions.

  4. Exit Partition Manager.

    From Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the File->Exit action.

    From Partition Manager Version 2.0, select Log off parmgr or exit the Web browser when finished.

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