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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 6 Creating and Configuring nPartitions

Setting Cell Attributes


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You can set the attributes for a cell by using any one of the following procedures:

Each cell assigned to an nPartition has attributes including use-on-next-boot that determine how the cell is used within the nPartition. On servers based on the HP sx1000 chipset or HP sx2000 chipset, each cell also has a cell local memory attribute that determines the amount of memory on the cell that is not interleaved.

CAUTION: Memory configured as cell local memory only can be used by operating systems that support it.

Any memory configured as cell local memory is unusable when an nPartition runs an operating system that does not support it.

NOTE: Changing a cell use-on-next-boot attribute may be restricted on any server complex that is under an Instant Capacity contract.After changing cell attributes, in order to use the new settings you must reboot the nPartition to which the cell is assigned (HP-UX: shutdown -r; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot).

If modifying an inactive cell to be active, perform a reboot for reconfig (HP-UX: shutdown -R; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot).

Procedure 6-16 Setting Cell Attributes (BCH Menu)

From the BCH Configuration Menu, use the CELLCONFIG command to list or set the use-on-next-boot value for each cell in the local nPartition. The BCH Menu is available only on HP 9000 systems.

  1. Access the BCH Main Menu for the nPartition whose cell use-on-next-boot attributes you want to list or set.

    Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CO to access the Console list. Select the nPartition console. When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the BCH Main Menu (the Main Menu: Enter command or menu> prompt). If at a BCH menu other than the Main Menu, then enter MA to return to the BCH Main Menu.

  2. Enter CO to access the BCH Configuration Menu.

  3. From the BCH Configuration menu, use the CELLCONFIG command to list or set the use-on-next-boot value for each cell.

    • To list the use-on-next-boot values for all cells in the nPartition, issue the CELLCONFIG command with no arguments.

    • To change the use-on-next-boot value for a cell, issue the following command:

      CELLCONFIG cell [ON|OFF]

      where cell is the cell number, ON sets the cell use-on-next-boot value to "y" (yes, do use the cell), or OFF sets the cell use-on-next-boot value to "n" (no, do not use the cell).

      A cell that boots with a "y" (ON) use-on-next-boot value is permitted to rendezvous and join its nPartition, thus becoming an active cell whose resources are used.

      A cell that boots with a "n" (OFF) use-on-next-boot value does not rendezvous and thus becomes an inactive cell whose resources are not used by its nPartition, although the cell still is assigned to its nPartition.

  4. Reboot the nPartition to use the cells' new use-on-next-boot settings.

    If you have changed any cell use-on-next-boot settings for the nPartition then reboot the nPartition in either of two ways:

    • Use the REBOOT command at the BCH interface to perform a reboot.

      If you have only changed cell configurations from ON to OFF, then perform a reboot using the REBOOT command. Any cells set to not be used will still be assigned to the nPartition but will not be used (will not rendezvous) in the nPartition.

    • Use the RECONFIGRESET command at the BCH interface to put the nPartition in the shutdown for reconfig state, then use the BO command at the service processor Command menu to boot the nPartition.

      If you have changed any cell from OFF ("n", do not use on next boot) to ON ("y", use the cell on next boot), then you must perform these two tasks; this resets and reconfigures the nPartition and boots it.

  5. Exit the console and service processor interfaces if finished using them.

    To exit the BCH environment type ^B (Control-B); this exits the nPartition console and returns to the service processor Main Menu. To exit the service processor, type X at the Main Menu.

Procedure 6-17 Setting Cell Attributes (EFI Shell)

From the EFI Shell environment, use the cellconfig command to list or set the use-on-next-boot value for each cell in the local nPartition. The EFI Shell is available only on HP Integrity systems.

NOTE: Use of the cellconfig command at the EFI Shell is restricted. See the help cellconfig command for details.
  1. Access the EFI Shell environment for the nPartition whose cell use-on-next-boot attributes you want to list or set.

    Login to the service processor (MP or GSP) and enter CO to access the Console list. Select the nPartition console.

    When accessing the console, confirm that you are at the EFI Boot Manager menu (the main EFI menu). If at another EFI menu, select the Exit option from the sub-menus until you return to the screen with the EFI Boot Manager heading.

    From the EFI Boot Manager menu, select the EFI Shell menu option to access the EFI Shell environment.

  2. Use the cellconfig command to list or set the use-on-next-boot value for each cell.

    • To list the use-on-next-boot values for all cells in the nPartition, issue the cellconfig command with no arguments.

    • To change the use-on-next-boot value for a cell, issue the following command:

      cellconfig cell [on|off]

      where cell is the cell number, on sets the cell use-on-next-boot value to "y" (yes, do use the cell), or off sets the cell use-on-next-boot value to "n" (no, do not user the cell).

      A cell that boots with a "y" (on) use-on-next-boot value is permitted to rendezvous and join its nPartition, thus becoming an active cell whose resources are used.

      A cell that boots with a "n" (off) use-on-next-boot value does not rendezvous and thus becomes an inactive cell whose resources are not used by its nPartition, although the cell still is assigned to its nPartition.

  3. Reboot the nPartition to use the cells' new use-on-next-boot settings.

    If you have changed any cell use-on-next-boot settings for the nPartition then reboot the nPartition in either of two ways:

    • Use the reset command at the EFI Shell to perform a reboot.

      If you have only changed cell configurations from on to off, then perform a reboot using the reset command. Any cells set to not be used will still be assigned to the nPartition but will not be used (will not rendezvous) in the nPartition.

    • Use the reconfigreset command at the EFI Shell to put the nPartition in the shutdown for reconfig state, then use the BO command at the service processor Command Menu to boot the nPartition.

      If you have changed any cell from off ("n", do not use on next boot) to on ("y", use the cell on next boot), then you must perform these two tasks; this resets and reconfigures the nPartition and boots it.

  4. Exit the console and service processor interfaces if finished using them.

    To exit the EFI environment type ^B (Control-B); this exits the nPartition console and returns to the service processor Main Menu. To exit the service processor, type X at the Main Menu.

Procedure 6-18 Setting Cell Attributes (nPartition Commands)

From the command line, use the parmodify -p# -m#... command to configure cell attributes. You also can use the parstatus -V -c# command to list attribute details for a specific cell (-c# where # is the cell number).

NOTE: You can remotely perform this task using remote administration options supported by the Enhanced nPartition Commands or Partition Manager Version 2.0. Remote administration is supported by the Partition Manager Tools->Switch Complexes action and by the nPartition command -u... -h... options or -g... -h... options.

For details see “Tools for Configuring nPartitions”.

  1. Login to a system with the nPartition commands installed.

    If using remote administration features to set cell attributes, you can login to any system with Enhanced nPartition Commands installed.

  2. To list current cell attribute settings, use the parstatus -C command to list the use-on-next-boot values for all cells, or use the parstatus -V -c# command to list all attribute values for a specific cell (-c# where # is the cell number)

  3. To modify cell attribute values, use the parmodify -p# -m#... command and specify the new attributes for a cell as part of the -m option. The -m... option differs slightly for the nPartition command releases.

    You must specify both the nPartition (-p# where # is the nPartition number) and the cell (-m#... where # is the cell number).

    To modify multiple cells, you can specify the -m option multiple times in the same command.

    parmodify Command: -m Option Differences for nPartition Command Releases. The parmodify command's -m... option specifies a cell number and attributes, which are used to modify the configuration of the specified cell. Both syntaxes are given in the following list.

    • For the Original nPartition Commands, the parmodify command's -m... option is as follows:

      -m cell:[type]:[use]:[fail]



      The cell to be added to the nPartition. You can specify the cell in global (cell) format or in hardware location (cabinet/slot) format.


      The cell type: base is the only supported cell type and it is the default.


      The cell use-on-next-boot value: y or n. Use y (the default) if the cell is to be an active member of the nPartition, or use n if the cell is to remain an inactive member.


      The cell failure usage: ri (reactivate with interleave) is the only supported failure usage policy and it is the default.

      For details, refer to the parmodify(1M) manpage.

    • For the Enhanced nPartition Commands, the parmodify command's -m... option is as follows:

      -m cell:[type]:[use]:[fail][:clm]

      where the cell, type, use, and fail attributes are the same as supported by the Original nPartition Commands.

      The clm value specifies the amount of memory that will be configured as cell local memory for the cell.

      CAUTION: Memory configured as cell local memory only can be used by operating systems that support it.

      Any memory configured as cell local memory is unusable when an nPartition runs an operating system that does not support it.

      Cell Local Memory Specification. You can specify the clm value in either of two forms: percentage or absolute amount of memory.

      • Percentage cell-local memory (CLM).

        The percent number can be any number in the range 0-100 with a suffix of %.

        This number is rounded to 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, 87.5% or 100%. If the cell contains less than 4 GBytes of memory, then the percentage is rounded to 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. Percentages are rounded up or down to the nearest value, but are not rounded up to 100%.

      • Absolute CLM specification. (The default.)

        The absolute number is interpreted as an absolute number of gigabytes of memory and can optionally have a suffix of GB.

        As needed, an absolute CLM specification is rounded up to the nearest 0.5 GBytes.

      If the clm value is rounded, the command reports the final value used. For details, refer to the parmodify(1M) manpage.

  4. Reboot the nPartition to use the cells' new attribute values.

    On cell-based servers based on the HP sx1000 chipset or HP sx2000 chipset, if you have changed cell local memory (CLM) values then you must reboot the nPartition whose CLM values have changed (HP-UX: shutdown -r; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot). If you also are changing use-on-next-boot values then also use the following guidelines.

    If you have changed any cell use-on-next-boot settings for the nPartition then reboot the nPartition in either of two ways:

    • Perform a standard reboot (HP-UX: shutdown -r; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot).

      If you have only changed use-on-next-boot values from y to n, then perform a reboot. Any cells set to not be used will still be assigned to the nPartition but will not be used (will not rendezvous) in the nPartition.

    • Perform a reboot for reconfig (HP-UX: shutdown -R; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot).

      If you have changed any use-on-next-boot values from n (do not use on next boot) to y (use the cell on next boot), then you must perform a reboot for reconfig to allow the currently inactive cells to reboot and rendezvous when the nPartition reboots.

Procedure 6-19 Setting Cell Attributes (Partition Manager)

You can set cell attributes by using Partition Manager.

When using Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the nPartition to which the cell belongs, select the Partition->Modify Partition action, Change Cell Attributes tab, select the cell(s), and click Modify Cell(s).

When using Partition Manager Version 2.0, select the nPartition to which the cell belongs, select the nPartition->Modify nPartition action, and then configure attributes using the Set Cell Options tab and the Configure Memory tab.

  1. Access Partition Manager.

    For details on accessing Partition Manager or other tools, see “Tools for Configuring nPartitions”.

  2. Select the nPartition whose cell attribute values you want to modify.

  3. Initiate the nPartition modify action.

    If using Partition Manager Version 1.0, the Partition->Modify Partition action.

    If using Partition Manager Version 2.0, select the nPartition->Modify nPartition action.

  4. Access the Partition Manager section(s) for configuring cell attributes.

    From Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the Change Cell Attributes tab, then select the cell and click the Modify Cell button. This enables you to configure the use-on-next-boot value for the selected cell.

    From Partition Manager Version 2.0, use the Set Cell Options tab to configure cell use-on-next-boot values, and use the Configure Memory tab to configure cell local memory values.

    CAUTION: Memory configured as cell local memory only can be used by operating systems that support it.

    Any memory configured as cell local memory is unusable when an nPartition runs an operating system that does not support it.

  5. After changing attribute values for all the cells you plan to modify, click the OK button.

  6. Review all information presented in the Notes and Warnings, the Summary of Changes, and the HA Checks tabs.

  7. Either cancel or proceed with the cell attribute changes.

    Click the Cancel button to cancel the changes.

    To proceed with the cell attribute changes, click the Finish button or click the OK button.

  8. Reboot the nPartition to use the cells' new attribute values.

    On cell-based servers based on the HP sx1000 chipset or HP sx2000 chipset, if you have changed cell local memory (CLM) values then you must reboot the nPartition whose CLM values have changed. If you also are changing use-on-next-boot values then also use the following guidelines.

    If you have changed any cell use-on-next-boot settings for the nPartition then reboot the nPartition in either of two ways:

    • Perform a standard reboot (HP-UX: shutdown -r; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot).

      If you have only changed use-on-next-boot values from y to n, then perform a reboot. Any cells set to not be used will still be assigned to the nPartition but will not be used (will not rendezvous) in the nPartition.

    • Perform a reboot for reconfig (HP-UX: shutdown -R; Windows: shutdown /r; Linux: shutdown -r time; OpenVMS: @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN with an automatic system reboot).

      If you have changed any use-on-next-boot values from n (do not use on next boot) to y (use the cell on next boot), then you must perform a reboot for reconfig to allow the currently inactive cells to reboot and rendezvous when the nPartition reboots.

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