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nPartition Administrator's Guide > Chapter 6 Creating and Configuring nPartitions

Creating a New nPartition


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You can create a new nPartition by using any one of the following procedures:

Creating a new nPartition involves specifying one or more cells in a server complex, setting various attributes for the cells, and optionally specifying other nPartition settings. The settings you specify then are used to create a new nPartition, which has assigned to it the cells you selected.

At least one cell in each nPartition must be connected to an I/O chassis that has core I/O attached. To boot an operating system from disk, the nPartition also must have a boot device and associated PCI card.

When creating an nPartition, follow the HP nPartition requirements and guidelines. HP recommends only specific sets of nPartition configurations.

Procedure 6-2 Creating a New nPartition (nPartition Commands)

From the command line, use the parcreate command to create a new nPartition. You also can use the parstatus and parmodify commands to list nPartition and complex details and modify nPartition settings.

NOTE: You can remotely perform this task using remote administration options supported by the Enhanced nPartition Commands or Partition Manager Version 2.0. Remote administration is supported by the Partition Manager Tools->Switch Complexes action and by the nPartition command -u... -h... options or -g... -h... options.

For details see “Tools for Configuring nPartitions”.

  1. Login to a system that enables you to list the current cell assignments and details. For example, login to HP-UX running on an existing nPartition in the server complex, or login to a system with the Enhanced nPartition Commands or Partition Manager Version 2.0.

    Plan your nPartition configuration by selecting which cells will comprise the new nPartition.

    Use the parstatus -AC command to list all unassigned (available) cells in the server complex.

    # parstatus -AC [Cell] CPU Memory Use OK/ (GB) Core On Hardware Actual Failed/ OK/ cell Next Par Location Usage Max Failed Connected To Capable Boot Num ========== ============ ======= ======= =================== ======= ==== === cab0,cell1 absent - - - - - - cab0,cell3 absent - - - - - - cab0,cell4 power on 4/0/4 2.0/0.0 cab 0,bay0,chassis3 yes - - cab0,cell5 absent - - - - - - cab0,cell6 power on 4/0/4 2.0/0.0 cab 0,bay1,chassis1 yes - - cab0,cell7 absent - - - - - - #

    You can select any of the cells listed to create the new nPartition; only the cells that are not "absent" are present within the server complex.

    All cells that you choose must meet the hardware requirements for nPartitions (for example, they all must have the same firmware revision). The cells also must form an HP-recommended nPartition configuration. At least one cell must have an I/O chassis with core I/O.

  2. After confirming that cells you have chosen would establish a valid nPartition configuration, use the parcreate -c... command to create a new nPartition with the cells. The -c... option differs slightly for the nPartition command releases.

    When using the parcreate command, only specify the -B option if you want the nPartition to be booted and become active. The -B option causes parcreate to immediately boot the newly-created nPartition past the default shutdown for reconfig state.

    By not specifying -B, the new nPartition can be further modified because it will remain inactive at the shutdown for reconfig state (until you boot it using the BO command at the service processor Command Menu).

    If creating a single-cell nPartition, use just one -c option.

    To create a multiple-cell nPartition, specify the -c option multiple times (once for each cell) issuing a single command line.

    For example, with the Original nPartition Commands, the following command creates a one-cell nPartition:

    # parcreate -c4:base:y:ri -c6:base:y:ri Partition Created. The partition number is : 1 #

    When parcreate successfully creates a new nPartition, it reports "Partition Created" and reports the nPartition number ("partition number is...").

    If parcreate detects any problems or issues when creating an nPartition, it lists them in its output. If it cannot create the nPartition, parcreate reports "Command failed" along with more details.

    parcreate Command: Cell Attributes Differences for nPartition Command Releases. The parcreate command's -c... option specifies the cell number(s) and attributes to be used when creating the new nPartition. For the Enhanced nPartition Commands, an additional cell local memory attribute is optional. Both the syntaxes are given in the following list.

    • For the Original nPartition Commands, the parcreate command's -c option is as follows:

      -c cell:[cell_type]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage]

      This option specifies the cell ID (cell) to be assigned to the nPartition.

      • The only valid cell_type value is: base (base cell, the default).

      • The valid use_on_next_boot values for cells are:


        Participate in reboot (the default).


        Do not participate in reboot.

      • The only valid failure_usage value is: ri (reactivate with interleave, the default).

      For details, refer to the parcreate(1M) manpage.

    • For the Enhanced nPartition Commands, the parcreate command's -c option is as follows:

      -c cell:[cell_type]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage][:clm]

      This option specifies the cell ID (cell) to be assigned to the nPartition.

      • The cell_type, use_on_next_boot, and failure_usage attributes are the same as supported with the Original nPartition Commands.

      • You can specify the clm value in either of two forms: percentage or absolute amount of memory.

        • Percentage cell-local memory (CLM).

          The percent number can be any number in the range 0-100 with a suffix of %.

          This number is rounded to 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, 87.5% or 100%. If the cell contains less than 4 GBytes of memory, then the percentage is rounded to 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. Percentages are rounded up or down to the nearest value, but are not rounded up to 100%.

        • Absolute CLM specification. (The default.)

          The absolute number is interpreted as an absolute number of gigabytes of memory and can optionally have a suffix of GB.

          As needed, an absolute CLM specification is rounded up to the nearest 0.5 GBytes.

        If the clm value is rounded, the command reports the final value used.

      For details, refer to the parcreate(1M) manpage.

  3. Use the parmodify command to modify the configuration of the new nPartition and set the nPartition name (-P), boot paths (-b, -s, and -t), and any core cell choices (-r). On HP Integrity servers, nPartition boot paths must be set from the local nPartition.

    When using the parmodify command, you must use the -p# option to specify the partition number for the nPartition. Use the partition number that the parcreate command reported in the previous step.

    # parmodify -p1 -P "hostname05" Command succeeded. # parmodify -p1 -r0/4 -r0/6 Command succeeded. # parmodify -p1 -b 4/0/1/0/0.9 Command succeeded. #

    When each modification takes place, parmodify reports "Command succeeded". Otherwise it reports any problems.

    You can specify each configuration option on a separate command line or can combine all options into a single, longer command line.

    For details on the various options for modifying nPartition settings, refer to the parmodify(1M) manpage.

  4. Use the parstatus -V -p# command to list all details about your newly created and configured nPartition.

    If any configuration details need to be modified, use the parmodify command before you boot the nPartition in the next step.

    # parstatus -V -p1 [Partition] Partition Number : 1 Partition Name : hostname05 Status : inactive IP address : Prmary Boot Path : 4/0/1/0/0.9 ALternate Boot Path : 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0.0 HA Alternate Boot Path : 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0.0 PDC Revision : 104.1 IODCH Version : 23664 CPU Speed : 552 MHz Core Cell : ? Core Cell Alternate : 0. cab0,cell4 1. cab0,cell6 [Cell] CPU Memory Use OK/ (GB) Core On Hardware Actual Failed/ OK/ cell Next Par Location Usage Max Failed Connected To Capable Boot Num ========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ==== === cab0,cell4 inactive 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab 0,bay0,chassis3 yes yes 1 cab0,cell6 inactive 4/0/4 2.0/ 0.0 cab 0,bay1,chassis1 yes yes 1 ....
  5. Boot your newly-created nPartition past boot-is-blocked to make it active and make its system boot environment available.

    (The BCH environment is provided on HP 9000 servers; the EFI environment is provided on HP Integrity servers.)

    Use the BO command at the service processor Command menu to boot the nPartition.

    Once the nPartition is booted, you can access its system boot environment through its console. Use the service processor Console menu (enter CO at the service processor Main Menu).

Procedure 6-3 Creating a New nPartition (Partition Manager)

You can create a new nPartition by using Partition Manager.

When using Partition Manager Version 1.0, use the Partition->Create Partition action.

When using Partition Manager Version 2.0, use the nPartition->Create nPartition action.

  1. Access Partition Manager.

    For details on accessing Partition Manager or other tools, see “Tools for Configuring nPartitions”.

  2. Run the Partition Manager task wizard for creating a new nPartition.

    From Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the Partition->Create Partition action.

    From Partition Manager Version 2.0, select the nPartition->Create nPartition action.

    Partition Manager guides you through the steps it requires for creating a new nPartition.

  3. Exit Partition Manager.

    From Partition Manager Version 1.0, select the File->Exit action.

    From Partition Manager Version 2.0, select Log off parmgr or exit the Web browser when finished.

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