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Installing HP SMH in-place on Windows


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  1. Initiate the setup.exe file to invoke the installation wizard. After the wizard initiates, the Welcome dialog box appears with a message explaining what product is being installed.

  2. Click Next. The OS Groups dialog box appears. You can click Cancel to cancel the installation process. If you click Cancel, a message appears, giving you the option to continue installation or to exit the installation.

  3. To add HP SMH group names:

    1. In the Group Name field, enter a name for the operating system group.

    2. Select an operating level to include Administrator, Operator, or User.

    Note: You must assign an account to an operating system user group with administrator privileges to access the Version Control Repository Manager from the Version Control Agent. Do not use the administrator account to connect from the Version Control Agent to the Version Control Repository Manager because it could potentially lock out the administrator account. Using the administrator account, add another account with administrator privileges to be used for Version Control Repository Manager access.

  4. Click Add. The group name is added. A maximum of five entries can be added for each group level.

    Note: To delete a group name, select the group name and click Delete.

  5. Click Next to continue or Back to return to the previous page. The User Access dialog box appears.

    Select one of the following access types:

    • Select Anonymous Access to enable anonymous access to unsecured pages.

    • Select Local Access-> Anonymous or Local Access-> Administrator to set up HP SMH to automatically grant local IP addresses at the selected access level.

      Caution: Selecting Local Access with administrator privileges provides all users with access to the local console full access without prompting them for a user name or password.

  6. Click Next. The Trust Mode dialog box appears.

  7. Select the level of security you want to provide from one of the following trust modes:

    1. Trust By Certificate

      1. Click Next. The Trusted Certificates dialog box appears. The Trusted Certificates dialog box allows trusted certificate files to be added to the Trusted Certificate List.

      2. Click Add File to browse and select any certificates to be included in the Trusted Certificate List. The Add File dialog box appears. If an invalid file name is entered in the file name field, an error message appears, indicating the file does not exist. Click OK to select another file, or click Cancel to close the dialog box. The Trusted Certificate List appears.

        Note: If you click Next without adding any certificates to the list and no certificates exist from a previous installation, a message appears indicating that if you do not specify any trusted certificates, HP Systems Insight Manager cannot access the HP Web-based Agents on this system. Click OK if you do not want HP Systems Insight Manager to access the HP Web-based Agents on this system, or click Cancel to close the dialog box and add the trusted certificates to the list.

        Note: The Trust By Certificates option enables the HP SMH system and the HP Systems Insight Manager system to establish a trust relationship by means of certificates. This mode is the strongest method of security because it requires certificate data and verifies the digital signature before enabling access.

      3. Click Next. The IP Binding dialog box appears.


      1. Click Import. The Import Server Certificate dialog box appears.

      2. Enter the name or IP address of the server whose certificate you want to import.

      3. Click Get Cert. The certificate information appears.

      4. Verify the certificate information. If you want to add this certificate to the Trusted Certificate List, click Accept and the certificate is added to the Trusted Certificate List, or click Cancel if you do not want to add it to the Trusted Certificate List. The Trusted Certificate List appears.

        Note: You can add an unlimited number of trusted certificates.

      5. Click Next. The IP Binding dialog box appears. Click Back to return to the Trust Mode dialog box.

        Note: To delete a certificate, select the certificate and click Delete. The selected certificate is removed.

    2. Trust By Name

      1. Select Trust By Name.

      2. Click Next. The Trusted Server dialog box appears.

        Note: Although the Trust By Name mode is a slightly stronger method of security than the Trust All mode, it still leaves your system vulnerable to security attacks. The Trust By Name mode sets up HP SMH to only accept certain requests from servers with the HP Systems Insight Manager certificate names designated in the Trust By Name field. The Trust By Name option is easy to configure and can prevent unauthorized access. For example, you might want to use the Trust By Name option if you have a secure network, but your network has two groups of administrators in two separate divisions. The Trust By Name option would prevent one group from installing software to the wrong system. This option does not verify anything other than the HP Systems Insight Manager certificate name submitted.

      3. Enter the names of the certificate of HP Systems Insight Manager servers you want to trust.

        Note: The HP SIM server's certificate name cannot contain the following characters: ~, !, `, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), +, =, ", :, ', <, >, ?, ,, |, and ;.

      4. Click Add to add the name of a certificate of HP Systems Insight Manager server you want to trust.

      5. Click Next. The IP Binding dialog box appears.

        Note: If you click Next without adding any HP SIM server's certificate names to the list, an error message appears, indicating that if you do not specify any trusted server names, HP Systems Insight Manager cannot access the HP Web-based Agents on this system. Click OK to proceed without trusting any systems, or click Cancel to close the dialog box and add HP Systems Insight Manager server's certificate names to the list.

        Note: To delete a HP Systems Insight Manager server's certificate name, select the certificate name and click Delete. The selected certificate name is removed.

    3. Trust All

      1. Select Trust All.

      2. Click Next. The IP Binding dialog box appears.

        Note: The Trust All option leaves your system vulnerable to security attacks and sets up HP SMH to accept certain requests from any server. For example, you might want to use Trust All if you have a secure network, and everyone in the network is trusted.

  8. Select IP Binding to enable the Subnet IP Address and NetMask.

    The IP Binding dialog box enables you to bind to specific IP addresses that match a specific Subnet IP Address or NetMask. It restricts the subnet you want to manage.

    1. Enter the Subnet IP Address in the designated field.

    2. Enter the NetMask in the designated field.

    3. Click Add, and the Subnet IP Address/NetMask is displayed in the dialog box. To delete a Subnet IP Address/Netmask from the dialog box, select a Subnet IP Address/NetMask, and click Delete. The Subnet IP Address/Netmask is removed from the dialog box.

      Note: You can add up to five Subnet IP Address/NetMask pairs. If you enter an invalid Subnet IP Address/Netmask, an error message appears indicating the Subnet IP address or Netmask is invalid. Click OK. Enter a valid Subnet IP address/Netmask and click Add again.

  9. Click Next. The IP Restricted Login dialog box appears. The IP Restricted Login dialog box enables you to select specific IP addresses or IP address ranges to include or exclude from gaining login access. Although optional, HP SMH can restrict login access based on the IP addresses of the machine attempting to gain access.

  10. Select IP Restricted Login, and click Next. The IP Address to Include dialog box appears. This dialog box enables you to specify the IP address or IP address ranges to grant login access permission. If there are IP addresses in the Inclusion list, then only those IP addresses are enabled for login privileges. If there are no IP addresses in the Inclusion list, then login privileges are permitted to all IP addresses that are not in the Exclusion list.

    Note: A single address and ranges of addresses can be accepted in the IP Restricted Login dialog box. Enter the single address in the first box.

    1. In the Include field, enter a beginning IP address to which you want to grant login access.

    2. In the To field, enter an ending IP address to which you want to grant login access. All IP addresses that fall between the beginning and ending IP addresses are granted login access.

    3. Click Add. The IP address or IP address range is added to the Inclusion list. To delete an IP address or IP address range, select an IP address or IP address range, and click Delete. The IP address or IP address range is deleted from the Inclusion list.

      Note: If you enter an invalid IP address or IP address range, an error message appears indicating the IP address is invalid. Click OK. Enter a valid IP address or IP address range, and click Add again.

  11. Click Next. The IP Address to Exclude dialog box appears.

    1. In the Exclude field, enter a beginning IP address to which you want to deny login access.

    2. In the To field, enter an ending IP address to which you want to deny login access. All IP addresses that fall between the beginning and ending IP addresses are denied login access.

    3. Click Add. The IP address or IP address range is added to the Exclusion list. To delete an IP address or IP address range, select an IP address or IP address range, and click Delete. The IP address or IP address range is deleted from the Exclusion list.

      Note: If you enter an invalid IP address or IP address range, an error message appears, indicating the IP address is invalid. Click OK. Enter a valid IP address or IP address range, and click Add again.

      Note: If Next is selected without adding any IP addresses to either the Include or Exclude lists, a warning message appears stating, IP Restricted Login checkbox will be marked as disabled. Do you want to proceed without adding any IP Address restrictions? If you select OK, the IP Restricted Login option on the IP Restricted Login dialog box is deselected, and the Install Summary dialog box appears.

  12. Click Next. The Install Summary Panel appears. The Install Summary Panel lists a summary of the options that you specified during the installation.

  13. Click Next. The installation process is started.

    Note: During the installation of HP SMH, the Cancel button is disabled. Even if you click X in the upper-right corner of the box, the current operation cannot be cancelled.

  14. Click Finish to complete the installation.

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