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16.10. Managing Localization Resources

16.10.3. Discussion

The catalog-compare.php program shown in Example 16-2 prints out messages that are the same in two catalogs, as well as messages that are missing from one catalog but present in another.

Example 16-2. catalog-compare.php

$base = 'pc_MC_'.$_SERVER['argv'][1];
$other  = 'pc_MC_'.$_SERVER['argv'][2];

require 'pc_MC_Base.php';
require "$base.php";
require "$other.php";

$base_obj = new $base;
$other_obj = new $other;

/* Check for messages in the other class that
 * are the same as the base class or are in
 * the base class but missing from the other class */ 
foreach ($base_obj->messages as $k => $v) {
    if (isset($other_obj->messages[$k])) {
        if ($v == $other_obj->messages[$k]) {
            print "SAME: $k\n";
    } else {
        print "MISSING: $k\n";

/* Check for messages in the other class but missing
 * from the base class */
foreach ($other_obj->messages as $k => $v) {
    if (! isset($base_obj->messages[$k])) {
        print "MISSING (BASE): $k\n";

To use this program, put each message catalog object in a file with the same name as the object (e.g., the pc_MC_en_US class should be in a file named pc_MC_en_US.php, and the pc_MC_es_US class should be in a file named pc_MC_es_US.php). You then call the program with the two locale names as arguments on the command line:

% php catalog-compare.php en_US es_US

In a web context, it can be useful to use a different locale and message catalog on a per-request basis. The locale to use may come from the browser (in an Accept-Language header), or it may be explicitly set by the server (different virtual hosts may be set up to display the same content in different languages). If the same code needs to select a message catalog on a per-request basis, the message catalog class can be instantiated like this:

$classname = "pc_MC_$locale.php";

require 'pc_MC_Base.php';
require $classname.'.php';

$MC = new $classname;

16.10.4. See Also

Section 16.5 discusses message catalogs; Section 7.11 for information on finding the methods and properties of an object.

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