Server-side considerations
With mouse-sensitive ismap-enabled image maps, the browser is required to pass along only the URL and mouse coordinates to the server. Converting these coordinates into a specific document is handled by the document server. The conversion process differs between servers and is not defined by the HTML or XHTML standards.
You need to consult with your web server administrators and perhaps
even read your server's documentation to determine how to
create and program an image map. Most servers come with some software
utility, typically located in a cgi-bin/imagemap
directory, to handle image maps. And most of these use a text file
containing the image map regions and related hyperlinks that is
referenced by your image map URL to process the image map query.
Here's an example image map file that describes the sensitive
regions in our example image:
# Imagemap file=toolbar.map
default dflt.html
circ 100,30,50 link1.html
rect 180,120,290,500 link2.html
poly 80,80,90,72,160,90 link3.html
Each sensitive region of the image map is described by a geometric
shape and defining coordinates in pixels, such as the circle with its
center point and radius, the rectangle's upper-left and
lower-right edge coordinates, and the loci of a polygon. All
coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the image (0,0).
Each shape has a related URL.
An image map processing application typically tests each shape in the
order it appears in the image file and returns the document specified
by the corresponding URL to the browser if the user's mouse x,y
coordinates fall within the boundaries of that shape. That means
it's okay to overlap shapes; just be aware which takes
precedence. Also, the entire image need not be covered with sensitive
regions: if the passed coordinates don't fall within a
specified shape, the default document gets sent back to the browser.