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Index: Q

qcsh function
15.3. Adding { } Operators to Korn (and Bourne) Shells
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
qsubst program
33.10. Quick Globals from the Command Line with qsubst
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
qterm program
5.5. Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc Installing a Single Program
.qtermtab file : 5.5. Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm
question mark : (see ?)
questions, yes and no (examples) : 45.32. A Better read Command: grabchars
quick login setup : 2.5.1. Quick Login
quieting at jobs : 40.7. Making Your at Jobs Quiet
quit command (ex) : 33.4. Useful ex Commands
quit key : 5.9. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
QUIT signal
38.8. What Are Signals?
38.9. Killing Foreground Jobs
quotes, backquote : (see `)
quotes, double : (see ")
quotes, single : (see ')
aliases : 10.3. C Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
in Bourne shell (sh)
8.14. Bourne Shell Quoting
47.2.4. Quoting
in C shell (csh)
8.15. Differences Between Bourne and C Shell Quoting
46.7. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
47.2.4. Quoting
in command-line arguments : 10.3. C Shell Aliases with Command-Line Arguments
command-line parameters : 46.7. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
csh aliases and
10.7. How to Put if-then-else in a C Shell Alias
10.8. Fix Quoting in csh Aliases with makealias and quote
errors caused by : 46.2. Quoting Trouble? Think, Then Use echo
hereis document terminators : 45.26. Quoted hereis Document Terminators: sh vs. csh
in set command : 44.19. The Bourne Shell set Command

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