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Index: O

.o filename extension : 1.17. Filename Extensions
obase command : 49.2. bc: Hexadecimal or Binary Conversion
object file extension : 1.17. Filename Extensions
ocrnl flag : 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
octal cgaracter strings : 7.8. Highlighting in Shell Prompts
octal numbers : 1.23. File Access Permissions
of ASCII characters : 51.3. ASCII Characters: Listing and Getting Values
interpreting : 45.35.1. With echo
for permissions : 17.15. Searching for Files by Permission
od command
-c option
18.2. What's Really in a Directory
23.15. Using unlink to Remove a File with a Strange Name
25.7. Show Non-Printing Characters with cat -v or od -c
looking at characters : 41.7. Reading Verrrry Long Lines from the Terminal
off-peak hours, taking advantage of : 40.1. Off-Peak Job Submission
offset script
35.7. offset: Indent Text
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
oldlinks script
16.28. oldlinks: Find Unconnected Symbolic Links
52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
olid hardware : 20.6. Writing a Tape Drive on a Remote Machine
online archive, software : 52.7.2. Online Archive
online documentation : (see manual pages)
online manual source file extension : 1.17. Filename Extensions
open mode : (see ex editor, open mode)
45.28. Quick Reference: expr Arithmetic Operators
assignment : Assignment Operators
awk utility : 33.11.4. Operators
bitwise : Bitwise and Logical Operators
comparison : Comparison Operators
file inquiry : File Inquiry Operators
45.28. Quick Reference: expr Bitwise and Logical Operators
precedence in C shell : 47.4.2. Expressions
relational : 45.28. Quick Reference: expr
string editing : 45.12. Parameter Substitution
unmatched : 46.1.2. Unmatched Operators
opost flag : 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
opttest script : 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
out of band approach for flow control : 41.2.4. Flow Control (We Hope)
from background processes : 12.7. Stop Background Output with stty tostop
buffering : 13.9. Send Output Two or More Places with tee
1.30. Redirecting Input and Output
(see redirecting input/output)
stdout : (see standard output)
tee program : 13.9. Send Output Two or More Places with tee
output device, specifying : 50.12. Common UNIX Error Messages
output to terminals
stopping and restarting : 42.2.1. Output Stopped?
overwrite mode : 32.5. Putting Emacs in Overwrite Mode
overwriting files : 8.4. Command Evaluation and Accidentally Overwriting Files
owndership, file
group : (see groups)
ownership, file
22.2.1. User, Group, and World
22.3. Who Will Own a New File?
BSD UNIX and : 22.20. Why Can't You Change File Ownership Under BSD UNIX?
changing without chown command : 22.21. How to Change File Ownership Without chown
searching by : 17.16. Searching by Owner and Group

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