[16]In his pioneering works on information theory and encryption, the mathematician Claude Shannon defined a model for cipher security and showed there is a cipher that is perfectly secure under that model: the so-called one-time pad. It is perfectly secure: the encrypted data gives an attacker no information whatsoever about the possible plaintexts. The ciphertext literally can decrypt to any plaintext at all with equal likelihood. The problem with the one-time pad is that it cumbersome and fragile. It requires that keys be as large as the messages they protect, be generated perfectly randomly, and never be reused. If any of these requirements are violated, the one-time pad becomes extremely insecure. The ciphers in common use today aren't perfectly secure in Shannon's sense, but for the best of them, brute-force attacks are infeasible.
[17]There is still the issue of reliably determining whose public key is whose; but that gets into public-key infrastructure, or PKI systems, and is a broader topic.
[18]That's the idea, anyway, although it has been pointed out that it's easy to use a general DSA implementation for both RSA and ElGamal encryption. That was not the intent, however.
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