It is unique across all instances of the entity.
It has a non-NULL value for each instance of the
entity, for the entire lifetime of the instance.
It has a value that never changes for the entire lifetime of the
The ID is very important because it gives us a way to know which
instance of an entity we are dealing with. Identifier selection is
critical because it is also used to model relationships. If, after
you've selected an ID for an entity, you find that it
doesn't meet one of the above rules, this could affect your
entire data model.
Novice data modelers often make the mistake of choosing attributes
that should not be identifiers and making them identifiers. If, for
example, you have a Person entity, it might be
tempting to use the Name attribute as the
identifier because all people have a name and that name never
changes. But what if a person marries? What if the person decides to
legally change his name? What if you misspelled the name when you
first entered it? If any of these events causes a name change, the
third rule of identifiers is violated. Worse, is a name really ever
unique? Unless you can guarantee with 100% certainty that the
Name is unique, you will be violating the first
rule. Finally, you do know that all Person
instances have non-NULL names. But are you certain
that you will always know the name of a Person
when you first enter information about them in the database?
Depending on your application processes, you may not know the name of
a Person when a record is first created. The
lesson to be learned is that there are many problems with taking a
nonidentifying attribute and making it one.