To get a list of all the colors defined on your system, enter the command:
eggplant$ showrgb | more
Most fvwm users also make use of the virtual desktop.
In order to configure it, you should include
lines such as the following in .fvwm2rc:
# Configure virtual desktop
DeskTopSize 3x3
AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Module FvwmPager 0 0
Style "FvwmPager" Sticky, NoTitle, WindowListSkip
*FvwmPagerGeometry -10 -10
EdgeScroll 100 100
The Style command sets a whole slew of attributes
for windows on your screen. For instance, to specify that the
xbiff always stays on top of other windows on the
display, use the command:
Style "XBiff" StaysOnTop
Now, no other window is allowed to obscure xbiff. Besides
StaysOnTop, other popular options to Style include:
- NoTitle
Prevents a window from having a decorative title
on the top with its name. This option is often used for small windows
like xclock and xbiff, especially if you don't
expect to move or resize them.
- NoBorder
Prevents a window from having a border.
- Sticky
Makes a window stay in the same place on the
screen when you shift the virtual desktop.
- BoundaryWidth
Sets the width in pixels of frames
placed around windows by fvwm. The default used by
fvwm is six pixels, which is quite wide.
Arguments to Style may be window titles or application-class
names. Older versions of fvwm don't have the Style
command. Instead, they offer a variety of commands named StaysOnTop, NoTitle, and so on. You use them like this:
StaysOnTop XBiff
There are various .fvwm2rc commands dealing with icons.
As with other window managers, fvwm allows you to iconify a window;
this replaces the window with a small icon containing the name of the
window and possibly a picture depicting the type of window.
fvwm supports both bitmaps and color
pixmaps for icons.
A bitmap allows only one bit for each pixel it displays and therefore
is limited to one background and one foreground color (although you
can get a mixture or gray by alternating pixels, a process called
dithering). A pixmap, on the other hand, has several bits per pixel
and can therefore support a large number of colors:
IconFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*
IconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/:/usr/include/X11/xfm/bitmaps
PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/:/usr/include/X11/xfm/pixmaps
Style IconBox 700 0 1080 50
Style "*" Icon unknown.xpm
Style "XTerm" Icon xterm.xpm
Style "Emacs" Icon emacs.xpm
IconFont specifies the font to use for icons. IconPath
and PixmapPath specify colon-separated pathnames where icon images
can be found; if you keep images in several directories, separate
their pathnames with colons. IconPath specifies locations for
bitmaps (XBM), and
PixmapPath specifies locations for color pixmaps
Style IconBox defines a region of the screen where icons should be placed.
You can specify more than one IconBox: up to four, if you wish.
In this case,
icons should be placed in an invisible box defined by the top-left
corner at location (700,0) and bottom-right corner at (1080,50).
Following Style IconBox are several Style commands that bind
icon images to windows. In this case, we want all XTerm windows to
use xterm.xpm, and Emacs to use emacs.xpm. The name
of the icon file can either be a full pathname, or a pathname
relative to either IconPath or PixmapPath.
The command:
Style "*" Icon unknown.xpm
sets the default icon to unknown.xpm.
If your fvwm does not support the Style command, use
commands such as:
Icon "" unknown.xpm
Icon "XTerm" xterm.xpm
Icon "Emacs" emacs.xpm