MDS Traps - Release 1.2(1a)

Below are the list of traps supported by MDS release 1.2(1a). Severity is determined by the application. Fabric Manager has five levels of severity: ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING & INFORMATION. The severity assigned below refers to Fabric Manager's assignment for that particular trap.

NOTIFICATION ccmSmtpServerFailNotif
OBJECTS ccmSmtpServersPort
DESCRIPTION A ccmSmtpServerFailNotif is sent if the device fails on sending an e-mail notification to SMTP server in ccmSmtpServersTable.

NOTIFICATION ccCopyCompletion
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ccCopyServerAddress, ccCopyFileName, ccCopyState, ccCopyTimeStarted, ccCopyTimeCompleted, ccCopyFailCause
DESCRIPTION A ccCopyCompletion trap is sent at the completion of a config-copy request. The ccCopyFailCause is not instantiated, and hence not included in a trap, when the ccCopyState is success.

NOTIFICATION dmDomainIdNotAssignedNotify
OBJECTS notifyVsanIndex , cffFcFeElementName
DESCRIPTION If a Domain ID is not configured or assigned on a VSAN, then the switch may isolate E_ports on that VSAN. The conditions are :
- If the Domain Manager is enabled on the local switch and its request for a configured static Domain ID is rejected or no other Domain ID is assigned, then the E_ports are isolated.
- If the domain manager is not enabled and if a static Domain ID is not configured on the VSAN, then the switch will isolate all of its E_ports on the VSAN.
This notification contains the vsanIndex of the VSAN on which the condition happened.

NOTIFICATION dmNewPrincipalSwitchNotify
OBJECTS notifyVsanIndex , cffFcFeElementName
DESCRIPTION This notification indicates that the sending switch has become the new Principal Switch on a VSAN. This notification is sent soon after its election as the new Principal Switch, i.e., upon expiration of a Principal Switch selection timer which is equal to twice Fabric Stability Timeout value (F_S_TOV).
This notification contains the vsanIndex of the VSAN on which the switch became the Principal Switch and the WWN of the switch which became the Principal Switch.

NOTIFICATION dmFabricChangeNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS notifyVsanIndex
DESCRIPTION This notification is sent whenever a switch sends or receives a Build Fabric (BF) or a ReConfigure Fabric (RCF) message on a VSAN.
A switch can receive or issue a BuildFabric (BF) or a ReConfigureFabric (RCF) message under following conditions:
- A new link causes two disjoint fabrics in a VSAN to merge into one fabric. The sent/received message is BF if the Domain ID lists on the disjoint fabric does not overlap and it is RCF if they overlap.
- An upsteam principal ISL which connects to Principal switch and other switches in a VSAN fails. BF is issued to see if there is an alternative path to the Principal Switch. If not paths exit, then an RCF is issued.
- A switch asks for a different set of Domain IDs than the currently assigned list, the Principal switch would issue an RCF.

The notification is not sent if a 'dmNewPrincipalSwitchNotify' notification is sent for the same transition.

This notification contains the vsanIndex of the VSAN on which RCF was issued.

NOTIFICATION cefcModuleStatusChange
SEVERITY Information [Status = ok(2)/boot(5)/selfTest(6)]
Warning [Status=disabled(4)/okButDiagF(4)]
Alert [Other Status]
OBJECTS cefcModuleOperStatus, cefcModuleStatusLastChangeTime
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated when the value of cefcModuleOperStatus changes. It can be utilized by an NMS to update the status of the module it is managing.

NOTIFICATION cefcPowerStatusChange
SEVERITY Information [Status = on(2)/offAdmin(3)]
Warning [Status = offDenied(4)]
Critical [Status = offEnvPower(5) / offEnvTemp(6) / offEnvFan(7)]
OBJECTS cefcFRUPowerOperStatus, cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus
DESCRIPTION The cefcFRUPowerStatusChange notification indicates that the power status of a FRU has changed. The varbind for this notification indicates the entPhysicalIndex of the FRU, and the new operational-status of the FRU.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS entPhysicalContainedIn
DESCRIPTION The cecfFRUInserted notification indicates that a FRU was inserted. The varbind for this notification indicates the entPhysicalIndex of the inserted FRU, and the entPhysicalIndex of the FRU's container.

OBJECTS entPhysicalContainedIn
DESCRIPTION The cefcFRURemoved notification indicates that a FRU was removed. The varbind for this notification indicates the entPhysicalIndex of the removed FRU, and the entPhysicalIndex of the FRU's container.

NOTIFICATION cefcUnrecognizedFRU
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalVendorType, entPhysicalName, entPhysicalModelName,cefcPhysicalStatus
DESCRIPTION The cefcUnrecognizedFRU notification indicates that a FRU was inserted whose product ID is not supported. The varbind for this notification indicates the entPhysicalIndex of the inserted FRU, the entPhysicalClass this FRU belongs to, the entPhysicalVendorType of this FRU, the entPhysicalName of the FRU, the entPhysicalModelName of the inserted FRU, and the cefcPhysicalStatus telling the reason code for sending this notification.

NOTIFICATION cefcFanTrayStatusChange
SEVERITY Information [Status = up(2)]
Alert [Status = down(3)]
OBJECTS cefcFanTrayOperStatus
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated when the value of cefcModuleOperStatus changes.

NOTIFICATION entSensorThresholdNotification
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS entSensorThresholdValue, entSensorValue
DESCRIPTION The sensor value crossed the threshold listed in entSensorThresholdTable.

This notification is generated once each time the sensor value crosses the threshold.

The agent implementation guarantees prompt, timely evaluation of threshold and generation of this notification.

NOTIFICATION ciscoExtScsiLunDiscDoneNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoExtScsiLunDiscStatus
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever a Lun discovery cycle is completed.

NOTIFICATION fcTrunkIfDownNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcTrunkIfOperStatus, fcTrunkIfOperStatusCause, fcTrunkIfOperStatusCauseDescr
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the agent whenever the fcTrunkifOperStatus object for this trunk interface is about to enter the down state from some other state. This other state is indicated by the included value of fcTrunkifOperStatus.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcTrunkIfOperStatus, fcTrunkIfOperStatusCause, fcTrunkIfOperStatusCauseDescr
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the agent whenever the fcTrunkifOperStatus object for one of its trunk interfaces has left the down state and transitioned into some other state. This other state is indicated by the included value of fcTrunkifOperStatus.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcIfElpNbrNodeName, fcIfElpNbrPortName, fcIfElpRejectReasonCode, fcIfElpRejectReasonCodeExpl
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the agent whenever this interface received a ELP request and rejected it.

NOTIFICATION fcPingCompletionNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcPingAddress, fcPingTxPackets, fcPingRxPackets
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: This notification is generated whenever a sequence of pings is complete and the corresponding instance of fcPingTrapOnCompletion object has been set to 'true'.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcsRejReasonCode, fcsRejReasonCodeExplanation
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the Fabric Configuration Server on this switch whenever it rejects a Fabric Configuration Server request. The Fabric Configuration Server should update the fcsRejReasonCode and fcsRejReasonCodeExplanation objects with the corresponding reason code and reason code explanation before sending the notification.

NOTIFICATION fcsDiscoveryCompleteNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcsVsanDiscoveryName
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the Fabric Configuration Server when a discovery cycle specified by fcsVsanDiscoveryList2k, fcsVsanDiscoveryList4k and fcsVsanDiscoveryName is completed.

NOTIFICATION fcTraceRouteCompletionNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcTraceRouteTargetAddr, fcTraceRouteOperStatus
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever a trace route test is completed and the corresponding instance of fcTraceRouteTrapOnCompletion is set to 'true'.
The agent is encouraged to append, at the end of this notification's varbindlist, one varbind for each hop of the traced route. Each such appended varbind would contain an instance of fcTraceRouteHopsHopAddr object. If the number of varbinds required would cause the notification to approach it's maximum size, the number of instances of fcTraceRouteHopsHopAddr will be truncated suitably.

NOTIFICATION ciscoFlashCopyCompletionTrap
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoFlashCopyStatus
DESCRIPTION A ciscoFlashCopyCompletionTrap is sent at the completion of a flash copy operation if such a trap was requested when the operation was initiated.

NOTIFICATION ciscoFlashPartitioningCompletionTrap
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoFlashPartitioningStatus
DESCRIPTION A ciscoFlashPartitioningCompletionTrap is sent at the completion of a partitioning operation if such a trap was requested when the operation was initiated.

NOTIFICATION ciscoFlashMiscOpCompletionTrap
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoFlashMiscOpStatus
DESCRIPTION A ciscoFlashMiscOpCompletionTrap is sent at the completion of a miscellaneous flash operation (enumerated in ciscoFlashMiscOpCommand) if such a trap was requested when the operation was initiated.

NOTIFICATION ciscoFlashDeviceChangeTrap
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoFlashDeviceIndex
DESCRIPTION A ciscoFlashDeviceChangeTrap is sent whenever a removable Flash device is inserted or removed.

NOTIFICATION fspfNbrStateChangeNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ifIndex, notifyVsanIndex, fspfDomainId, fspfIfNbrDomainId, fspfIfNbrState, fspfIfPrevNbrState
DESCRIPTION This notification signifies that there has been a change in the state of FSPF neighbors. This is generated when the FSPF state regresses (e.g., goes from Full to init or Down) or progresses (e.g., from any state to Full) to a terminal state. The value of 'fspfIfNbrState' is the state of the neighbor after the change.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cHcAlarmVariable, cHcAlarmSampleType, cHcAlarmAbsValue, cHcAlarmValueStatus, cHcAlarmRisingThreshAbsValueLo, cHcAlarmRisingThreshAbsValueHi, cHcAlarmRisingThresholdValStatus, cHcAlarmRisingEventIndex
DESCRIPTION The SNMP notification that is generated when a high capacity alarm entry crosses its rising threshold and generates an event that is configured for sending SNMP traps.
The cHcAlarmEntry object instances identified in the OBJECTS clause are from the entry that causes this notification to be generated.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cHcAlarmVariable, cHcAlarmSampleType, cHcAlarmAbsValue, cHcAlarmValueStatus, cHcAlarmFallingThreshAbsValueLo, cHcAlarmFallingThreshAbsValueHi, cHcAlarmFallingThrsholdValStatus, cHcAlarmFallingEventIndex
DESCRIPTION The SNMP notification that is generated when a high capacity alarm entry crosses its falling threshold and generates an event that is configured for sending SNMP traps.
The cHcAlarmEntry object instances identified in the OBJECTS clause are from the entry that causes this notification to be generated.

NOTIFICATION cIscsiTgtLoginFailure
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cIscsiTgtLoginFailures, cIscsiTgtLastFailureType, cIscsiTgtLastIntrFailureName, cIscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddrType, cIscsiTgtLastIntrFailureAddr
DESCRIPTION Sent when a login is failed by a target.
The implementation of this trap should not send more than 3 notifications of this type in any 10 second time span.

NOTIFICATION cIscsiIntrLoginFailure
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cIscsiIntrLoginFailures, cIscsiIntrLastFailureType, cIscsiIntrLastTgtFailureName, cIscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddrType, cIscsiIntrLastTgtFailureAddr
DESCRIPTION Sent when a login is failed by a initiator.
The implementation of this trap should not send more than 3 notifications of this type in any 10 second time span.

NOTIFICATION cIscsiInstSessionFailure
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cIscsiInstSsnFailures, cIscsiInstLastSsnFailureType, cIscsiInstLastSsnRmtNodeName
DESCRIPTION Sent when an active session is failed by either the initiator or the target.
The implementation of this trap should not send more than 3 notifications of this type in any 10 second time span.

NOTIFICATION fcNameServerRejectRegNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS fcNameServerPortName, fcNameServerRejectReasonCode, fcNameServerRejReasonCodeExp
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the Name Server whenever it rejects a registration request. The Name Server should update the 'fcNameServerRejectReasonCode' and 'fcNameServerRejReasonCodeExp' objects with the corresponding reason code and reason code explanation before sending the notification. These two objects are also included along with the notification to provide the reason for the reject.

NOTIFICATION fcNameServerDatabaseFull
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS notifyVsanIndex
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the Name Server when the Name Server cannot allocate space for a new entry.

NOTIFICATION ciscoPsmPortBindFPortDenyNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cpsmPortBindLoginPwwn, cpsmPortBindLoginPort, cpsmPortBindLoginTime
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever a FLOGI is denied due to enforced port bindings on the local device on a F/FL port.

NOTIFICATION ciscoPsmPortBindEPortDenyNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cpsmPortBindLoginSwwn, cpsmPortBindLoginPort, cpsmPortBindLoginTime
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever a switch is denied due to enforced port bindings on the local device on a E port.

NOTIFICATION ciscoPsmFabricBindDenyNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cpsmFabricBindSwwn, cpsmFabricBindLocalPort, cpsmFabricBindDenialTime
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever a device is not allowed to join the fabric due to enforced fabric bindings on the local device

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cRFStatusUnitId, sysUpTime, cRFStatusLastSwactReasonCode
DESCRIPTION A SWACT notification is sent by the newly active redundant unit whenever a switch of activity occurs. In the case where a SWACT event may be indistinguishable from a reset event, a network management station should use this notification to
differentiate the activity.
sysUpTime is the same sysUpTime defined in the RFC-1213 MIB.>

NOTIFICATION ciscoRFProgressionNotif
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS cRFStatusUnitId, cRFStatusUnitState, cRFStatusPeerUnitId, cRFStatusPeerUnitState
DESCRIPTION A progression notification is sent by the active redundant unit whenever its RF state changes or the RF state of the peer unit changes.
To avoid a flurry of notifications for all state transitions, notifications will only be sent for transitions to the following RF states:
     standbyHot      active      activeExtraload

NOTIFICATION rscnElsRejectReqNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS rscnElsRejReasonCode, rscnNotifyFcId
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the RSCN module on this switch whenever it rejects a SCR or RSCN request.
The RSCN module should update the rscnElsRejReasonCode object with the corresponding reason code before sending the notification. The rscnScrFcId object indicates the FC-ID of the sender of the request that was rejected.

NOTIFICATION rscnIlsRejectReqNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS rscnIlsRejReasonCode, rscnNotifyFcId
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the RSCN module on this switch whenever it rejects a SW_RSCN request.
The RSCN module should update the rscnIlsRejReasonCode object with the corresponding reason code before sending the notification.
The rscnScrFcId object contains the FC-ID of the sender of the request that was rejected.

NOTIFICATION ciscoScsiTgtDevStatusChanged
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoScsiTgtDeviceStatus
DESCRIPTION A notification will be generated for each occurrence of the abnormal status (e.g., if the SCSI target device's current status is abnormal) providing that the SCSI instance's value of ciscoScsiInstNotifEnable is enabled. An SNMP agent implementing the SCSI MIB should not send more than three SCSI identical notifications in any 10-second period.

NOTIFICATION ciscoScsiLuStatusChanged
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ciscoScsiLuStatus
DESCRIPTION A notification will be generated each time that ciscoScsiLuStatus will change providing that the SCSI instance's value of ciscoScsiInstScsiNotificationsEnable is enabled.
An SNMP agent implementing the SCSI MIB should not send more than three SCSI identical notifications in any 10-second period.

NOTIFICATION clogMessageGenerated
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS clogHistFacility, clogHistSeverity, clogHistMsgName, clogHistMsgText, clogHistTimestamp
DESCRIPTION When a syslog message is generated by the device a clogMessageGenerated notification is sent. The sending of these notifications can be enabled/disabled via the clogNotificationsEnabled object.

NOTIFICATION cseHaRestartNotify
OBJECTS cseHaRestartReason, cseHaRestartService, cseHaRestartStateless
DESCRIPTION A service restart notification is generated whenever a service (or a process) on the 'active' supervisor is restarted.

NOTIFICATION ciscoSystemClockChanged
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS csyClockDateAndTime
DESCRIPTION A clock changed notification is generated when the current local date and time for the system has been manually changed. The value of csyClockDateAndTime reflects new date and time.

NOTIFICATION virtualNwIfCreateEntryNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS virtualNwIfIndex, ifName
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the agent whenever an virtual interface is created in the, 'virtualNwIfTable'. Note that this notification is generated only when a new entry is added to the table and not for any modifications to an existing entry.

NOTIFICATION virtualNwIfDeleteEntryNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS virtualNwIfIndex
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated by the agent whenever an virtual interface is deleted from the 'virtualNwIfTable'.

NOTIFICATION vsanStatusChange
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS notifyVsanIndex, vsanAdminState, vsanOperState
DESCRIPTION A state change notification is generated whenever vsanOperState is changed. The index and both states of the VSAN after the change, are included as variables in the notification.

NOTIFICATION wwnmType1WwnShortageNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS wwnmType1AvailableWwns
DESCRIPTION A WWN shortage notification is generated whenever the number of available Type 1 WWNs 'wwnmType1AvailableWwns' reduces to either 20% or 10% or 0% of the maximum number of Type 1 WWNs 'wwnmType1MaxWwns'. After a shortage event is generated for a threshhold (say 20%), another such event will not be generated until after an availability event (see wwnmType1WwnAvailableNotify) is generated for the same threshold.

NOTIFICATION wwnmType1WwnAvailableNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS wwnmType1AvailableWwns
DESCRIPTION An availability notification is generated whenever the number of available Type 1 WWNs (wwnmType1AvailableWwns) increases to either 25% or 15% or 5% of the maximum number of Type 1 WWNs (wwnmType1MaxWwns) after a wwnmType1WwnShortageNotify notification has been generated for either 20% or 10% or 5% respectively.

NOTIFICATION wwnmTypeOtherWwnShortageNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS wwnmTypeOtherAvailableWwns
DESCRIPTION A WWN shortage notification is generated whenever the number of available Type Other WWNs 'wwnmTypeOtherAvailableWwns' reduces to either 20% or 10% or 0% of the maximum number of Type Other WWNs 'wwnmTypeOtherMaxWwns'.
After a shortage event is generated for a threshhold (say 20%), another such event will not be generated until after an availability event (see wwnmType1WwnAvailableNotify) is generated for the same threshold.

NOTIFICATION wwnmTypeOtherAvailableWwns
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS wwnmTypeOtherAvailableWwns
DESCRIPTION An availability notification is generated whenever the number of available Type Other WWNs (wwnmTypeOtherAvailableWwns) increases to either 25% or 15% or 5% of the maximum number of Type Other WWNs (wwnmTypeOtherMaxWwns) after a wwnmTypeOtherWwnShortageNotify notification has been generated for either 20% or 10% or 5% respectively.

NOTIFICATION zoneServiceReqRejNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS zoneMemberFormat, zoneMemberID, zoneServiceRejReasonCode, zoneServiceRejReasonCodeExp
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever the local Zone Server rejects a registration request. The Zone Server should update the zoneServiceRejReasonCode and zoneServiceRejReason-CodeExp objects with the corresponding reason code and reason code explanation before sending the notification.
The zoneMemberType and zoneMemberID identify the source of the request.

NOTIFICATION zoneMergeFailureNotify
OBJECTS ifIndex, zoneMergeFailureVSANNum
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever there is a zone merge failure.
If all VSANs on a link have a zone-merge failure at the same time, then just one notification is generated in which zoneMergeFailureVSANNum object has a zero value.

NOTIFICATION zoneMergeSuccessNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ifIndex, zoneMergeSuccessVSANNum
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever a zone merge happens successfully.
If all VSANs on a link have a zone-merge success at the same time, then just one notification is generated in which zoneMergeSuccessVSANNum object has a zero value.

NOTIFICATION zoneDefZoneBehaviourChngNotify
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS zoneDefaultZoneBehaviour
DESCRIPTION This notification is generated whenever the value of zoneDefaultZoneBehaviour changes

NOTIFICATION entConfigChange
SEVERITY Information
DESCRIPTION An entConfigChange notification is generated when the value of entLastChangeTime changes. It can be utilized by an NMS to trigger logical/physical entity table maintenance polls.
An agent should not generate more than one entConfigChange 'notification-event' in a given time interval (five seconds is the suggested default). A 'notification-event' is the transmission of a single trap or inform PDU to a list of notification destinations.
If additional configuration changes occur within the throttling period, then notification-events for these changes should be suppressed by the agent until the current throttling period expires. At the end of a throttling period, one notification-event should be generated if any configuration changes occurred since the start of the throttling period. In such a case, another throttling period is started right away.
An NMS should periodically check the value of entLastChangeTime to detect any missed entConfigChange notification-events, e.g., due to throttling or transmission loss.

NOTIFICATION connUnitStatusChange
OBJECTS connUnitStatus, connUnitState
DESCRIPTION The overall status of the connectivity unit has changed.

NOTIFICATION connUnitEventTrap
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS connUnitEventId, connUnitEventType, connUnitEventObject, connUnitEventDescr
DESCRIPTION An event has been generated by the connectivity unit.

NOTIFICATION connUnitSensorStatusChange
OBJECTS connUnitSensorStatus
DESCRIPTION The overall status of the connectivity unit has changed.

NOTIFICATION connUnitPortStatusChange
OBJECTS connUnitPortStatus, connUnitPortState
DESCRIPTION he overall status of the connectivity unit has changed.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, fcIfOperStatusCause*
DESCRIPTION A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links is about to enter the down state from some other state (but not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.

fcIfOperStatusCause* This object would be an additional varbind sent in the linkDown notification in addition to the varbinds defined for this notification. fcIfOperStatusCause is defined in CISCO-FC-FE-MIB
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, fcIfOperMode*
DESCRIPTION A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for one of its communication links left the down state and transitioned into some other state (but not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.

fcIfOperMode* This object would be an additional varbind sent in the linkUp notification in addition to the varbinds defined for this notification. fcIfOperMode is defined in CISCO-FC-FE-MIB

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS alarmIndex, alarmVariable, alarmSampleType, alarmValue, alarmRisingThreshold
DESCRIPTION The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm entry crosses its rising threshold and generates an event that is configured for sending SNMP traps.

SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS alarmIndex, alarmVariable, alarmSampleType, alarmValue, alarmFallingThreshold
DESCRIPTION The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm entry crosses its falling threshold and generates an event that is configured for sending SNMP traps.

DESCRIPTION A coldStart trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, is reinitializing itself and that its configuration may have been altered.

DESCRIPTION warmStart trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, actingin an agent role, is reinitializing itself such that its configuration is unaltered.
NOTIFICATION authenticationFailure
SEVERITY Information
DESCRIPTION n authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received a protocol message that is not properly authenticated. While all implementations of the SNMPv2 must be capable of generating this trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object indicates whether this trap will be generated.

NOTIFICATION vrrpTrapNewMaster
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS vrrpOperMasterIpAddr
DESCRIPTION The newMaster trap indicates that the sending agent has transitioned to 'Master' state.

NOTIFICATION vrrpTrapAuthFailure
SEVERITY Information
OBJECTS vrrpTrapPacketSrc, vrrpTrapAuthErrorType
DESCRIPTION A vrrpAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been received from a router whose authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this router's authentication key or authentication type. Implementation of this trap is optional.