
Table of Contents

browse [MIBaddr]

Walk through the MIB tree and display values, starting with the object at MIBaddr (or at the top).


Clear the screen and paint the prompt at the top.

connect card# [force] [diagnostic]

Connect the CLI to card card# within a LightStream switch so that the CLI can act as a terminal for a program, such as diagnostics, running on the line card. Type ~. (tilde-dot) to interrupt the connection.

define {{bflt|ipflt|ipxflt}ID expr
|mcast ID [node:]c.p[[,] [node:]c.pº]
|tprof ID max-rate {bits/sec|default}
[max-burst bytes]
[insured-burst bytes]
[insured-rate bits/sec]
[secondary-scale %]
[transmit-priority {0|1}] }

Define a multicast group or a traffic profile. Define a traffic filter named ID with the expression expr in one of the following forms (where field is a header field):

(field [& mask]) {==|!=|>|>=|<|<=} value
{&& | ||} expression

delete {bflt|ipflt|ipxflt|mcast|tprof} ID |mcast-member ID [node:]c.p [º]

Delete the traffic filter, multicast group, or traffic profile specified as ID. Delete the specified per-node port list from the multicast group specified as ID.


Exit CLI protected mode or CLI itself. (See quit.)

getsnmp MIBaddr [MIBaddr ... ]

Display the value of the MIB object at each MIBaddr.

getnextsnmp MIBaddr [MIBaddr ... ]

Display the value of the MIB object at the MIB address next after each specified MIBaddr.

help [topic]

Provide online help for CLI commands. To see a list of all commands, enter help with no argument, or type ?.

loadcard card# [load-address] [file]

Load a program file into the card card#, start the card, and establish a console connection between the CLI and the TCS slave on the card.


Change the password for the npadmin account and for protected mode in the CLI.

ping [packet-size] host-name

Send ICMP echo packets to a host and report on any returned packets. To stop the ping command and display a summary of the results, press Control-C.


Allow access to additional CLI commands in protected mode. The npadmin password is required.


Exit CLI protected mode or CLI itself. (See exit .)

set type [ID] parameter1 [parameter2]

Set the state of an object within a LightStream switch or the state of the CLI program, as follows:

set card card# {active|inactive|testing |peak-cell-rate cells/sec}

set chassis {name name|activeip IPaddr
|secondaryip IPaddr|netmask mask
|ethernetaddr OBLANaddr|ethernetmask mask
|defrouter IPaddr
|congestion {maxpermitinterval ms
|minpermitinterval ms
|mincainfointerval ms}
|primaryswitch {sa|sb}
|traplevel {oper|info|trace|debug}
|traplog {on|off}}

set cli { debug {on|off}|echosource {on|off}
|lineedit {on|off} |log {"file"|off} |term termtype |timeout sec |timer |timestamp {on|off} |traplevel {off|oper|info|trace|debug}}

set collection collection# {create|start
|halt|del|addvar MIB_obj|delvar MIB_obj
|begintime [[[yy:]mm:]dd:]hh:mm:ss
|endtime [[[yy:]mm:]dd:]hh:mm:ss
|filesize Kbytes [: begintime [ : endtime]]
|frequency ss[ : begintime[ : endtime]] }

set config { lock | unlock }

set modem {sa|sb} {initstring init_string |password password}

set pid pid#
{adminstatus {active|inactive}
|traplevel {oper|info|trace|debug} }

set port c.p {active|inactive|testing
|loop {internal|remote}| unloop

|bcast-limit { discard-all
| forward-all | packets/sec }

|{bflt|ipflt|ipxflt} ID {del
| { block| forward} priority
[mcast ID] [tprof ID] }

|{bflt-def|ipflt-def|ipxflt-def} {block|forward}

|cbrpvc PVC#
{destination chassis:c.p:PVC#
|{targetdepth|maxdepth} bytes

|characteristics { csu {none|larse}
|cable {len feet |db {0|1|2}}
|clkmode adaptive|circuit-id string
|dce-bitrate Kbits|dte-bitrate bits
|dce-dte-type {dce|dte|dce-internal}
|executechange|linecoding {ami|b8zs|hdb3}
|oc3-type {sonet|sdh}
|protocol {atm-uni|frameforward
|vpi VPI#}

|dlci DLCI# {activate|deactivate|del
|destnode {ID|addr|name}
|destport c.p|destdlci DLCI#
|insured-rate bits/sec
|insured-burst bytes
|max-rate bits/sec|max-burst bytes}

|fddi {aport|bport} {lercutoff rate
|action {enable|disable|start|stop}
|connectpolicy {none|lct|loop|both}}

|fddi smt { stat-report {yes|no}
| station {connect|disconnect
| t-notify sec }

|frameforwarding {activate|deactivate
|destnode {ID|name}
|destport c.p | insured-rate bits/sec
|insured-burst bytes
|max-rate bits/sec|max-burst bytes}

|framerelay {netinterfacetype {uni|nni}
{none|frif|ansi_t1_617d|q933a} }

|np-deliver {block|forward}

|stb {priority #|enable|disable|pathcost #}

|vci VCI# {activate|deactivate|del
|destnode {ID|addr|name}
|destport c.p|destvci VCI#
|insured-rate cells/sec
|insured-burst cells
|max-rate cells/sec|max-burst cells
|transmit-priority {0|1} }

|wgrp {add ID[,ID0] | del {ID|all}
| include | exclude }

set snmp {community name
|hostname {name|IPaddress}

set stb {maxage age|forwdelay sec
|hellotimer sec|priority priority
|static MACaddr rcv {c.p|any}
{ xmit c.p [c.p 0]
| status {invalid|deleteonreset|permanent}

set tcs card# {power {on|off}
| midplane nodeaddress | reset }

set trap {disable|enable} traps

set trap {[global] | pid {#|name}} {on|off} {trapname|trapgroup|#[-#]}

setsnmp MIBaddr value

For each MIBaddr value pair, set the MIB object at MIB address MIBaddr to value. Do not confuse the setsnmp command with set snmp (under set, above).

shell "command"

Execute a shell command under the LynxOS shell. Use quotes if the command contains spaces.

show type [ID] [parameter1 [parameter2]]

Display the value of specified MIB object(s).

show {bflt|ipflt|ipxflt} [ID]

show card [#] {all|hardware|name|ports

show chassis {all|agent|cards

show cli {all|banner|debug |echosource
|lineedit|log|term |time|timeout|timer

show collection [collection#]

show config

show file {all | {collection #|configlog |mmalog|traplog} [tail] }

show gid {all|cards|clients|general|ip

show modem {SA|SB}

show mcast [ID]

show nd {all|clients|general|ndcards

show pid pid# {all|name|clialias

show port c.p {all|name|physical|status
|statistics|listvci|vci vci#|cbrpvc PVC#
|fddi {aport|bport|mac|MACcounters
|path {1|2}| smt }
|frameforward |dlci DLCI#|framerelay
|np-deliver {block|forward}
|sonet {interval i |elapsedtime hh:mm
|clocktime hh:mm}
|vpi|stb|bcast-limit |{bflt|ipflt|ipxflt} [ID]
|{bflt-def|ipflt-def|ipxflt-def} |wgrp }

show snmp

show spt

show stb {all|fwd|general|ports|static}

show tcs card# {all
|config {all |assembly|postcode
|daughter {all|assembly|serialnum}
|midplane {all|assembly|nodeaddress
|oem {all|assembly|serialnum}
|paddle {all|assembly|serialnum}
|power |state |temperature |voltage}

show tprof [{ID|default]

show trap
[ {[global]|pid {PID#|PIDname} }]

source "filename"

Execute the CLI command script in filename.

test card# {[-l] [-p] [-s] [-x] [-Ffile]
| -r | -m [-Ffile] }

Run diagnostics on card card#.

walksnmp MIBaddr

Display the values of all MIB objects in the MIB tree, starting with the object at the specified MIB address.

Reference Card

Release 2.1
Customer Order Number DOC-LS2020QRC21=
Text Part Number 78-1934-01

An alphabetical quick-reference list of CLI commands.

Copyright W 1995 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

LightStream is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.

Copyright 1989-1997 © Cisco Systems Inc.