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ARPA Network Information Center Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California 94025 NWG/RFC #429 Jonathan B. Postel (UCLA-NMC) NIC #13281 12-DEC-72 Character Generator Process I hereby propose that there be a standard process implemented on whatever hosts desire which generates character data with out any regard to input. In some sense the process is the converse of the discard process [RFC 348]. Many hosts have an existing terminal testing program [e.g. TTYTST] which would suit this function adequately. This Character Generator process would listen for a request for connection and execute the Initial Connection Protocol (ICP) as specified in NIC 7104 the "Current Network Protocols" notebook. Upon completion of the ICP the Character Generator process would begin to send characters into the network as buffer space is made available . The Character Generator process is terminated by closing the connections. [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the ] [ direction of Alex McKenzie. 1/97 ] [Page 1]

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