

SPI_modifytuple — Modifies tuple of relation
SPI_modifytuple(rel, tuple , nattrs
, attnum , Values , Nulls)


Relation rel

HeapTuple tuple

Input tuple to be modified

int nattrs

Number of attribute numbers in attnum

int * attnum

Array of numbers of the attributes which are to be changed

Datum * Values

New values for the attributes specified

char * Nulls

Which attributes are NULL, if any



New tuple with modifications

non-NULL if tuple is not NULL and the modify was successful
NULL only if tuple is NULL


SPI_ERROR_ARGUMENT if rel is NULL or tuple is NULL or natts ≤ 0 or attnum is NULL or Values is NULL.
SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE if there is an invalid attribute number in attnum (attnum ≤ 0 or > number of attributes in tuple)


SPI_modifytuple Modifies a tuple in upper Executor context. See the section on Memory Management.


If successful, a pointer to the new tuple is returned. The new tuple is allocated in upper Executor context (see Memory management). Passed tuple is not changed.