foo.c(123) : Freeing 0x0821E5FC (20 bytes), script=foo.php
Last leak repeated 1 time
If you efree( ) something that was allocated using
malloc( ) or some mechanism other than the PHP
memory-management functions, you get the following:
foo.c(124) : Block 0x08219C94 status:
Beginning: Overrun (magic=0x00000000, expected=0x7312F8DC)
End: Unknown
foo.c(124) : Block 0x0821EB1C status:
Beginning: Overrun (magic=0x00000000, expected=0x7312F8DC)
End: Unknown
In this case, line 124 in foo.c is the call to
efree( ). PHP knows it didn't
allocate this memory because it didn't contain the
magic token that indicates a PHP allocation.
The emalloc( )/efree( ) safety
net also catches overruns—e.g., if you
emalloc(20) but write 21 bytes to that address.
For example:
123: s = emalloc(6);
124: strcpy(s,"Rasmus");
125: efree(s);
Because this code failed to allocate enough memory to hold the string
and the terminating NULL, PHP prints this warning:
foo.c(125) : Block 0x08219CB8 status:
Beginning: OK (allocated on foo.c:123, 6 bytes)
End: Overflown (magic=0x2A8FCC00 instead of 0x2A8FCC84)
1 byte(s) overflown
foo.c(125) : Block 0x08219C40 status:
Beginning: OK (allocated on foo.c:123, 6 bytes)
End: Overflown (magic=0x2A8FCC00 instead of 0x2A8FCC84)
1 byte(s) overflown
The warning shows where the overflowed memory was allocated (line
123) and where this overflow was detected (line 125 in the
efree( ) call).
An extension compiled in debug mode does not work in an instance of
PHP not compiled in debug mode. When PHP loads an extension, it
checks to see if the debug setting, the thread-safety setting, and
the API version all match. If something doesn't
match, you will get a warning like this:
Warning: foo: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with debug=0, thread-safety=0 module API=20010901
PHP compiled with debug=1, thread-safety=0 module API=20010901
If you compile the Apache module version of PHP with the
--enable-memory-limit switch, it will add the
script's peak memory usage to the Apache
r->notes table. You can access this information
from other Apache modules, such as mod_log_config.
Add this string to your Apache LogFormat line to
log the peak number of bytes a script used: