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4.7. Manipulating and Searching Strings

PHP has many functions to work with strings. The most commonly used functions for searching and modifying strings are those that use regular expressions to describe the string in question. The functions described in this section do not use regular expressions—they are faster than regular expressions, but they work only when you're looking for a fixed string (for instance, if you're looking for "12/11/01" rather than "any numbers separated by slashes").

4.7.1. Substrings

If you know where in a larger string the interesting data lies, you can copy it out with the substr( ) function:

$piece = substr(string, start [, length ]);

The start argument is the position in string at which to begin copying, with 0 meaning the start of the string. The length argument is the number of characters to copy (the default is to copy until the end of the string). For example:

$name  = "Fred Flintstone";
$fluff = substr($name, 6, 4);          // $fluff is "lint"
$sound = substr($name, 11);            // $sound is "tone"

To learn how many times a smaller string occurs in a larger one, use substr_count( ):

$number = substr_count(big_string, small_string);

For example:

$sketch = <<< End_of_Sketch
Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam;
egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage
and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam
bacon spam tomato and spam;
$count = substr_count($sketch, "spam");
print("The word spam occurs $count times.");
The word spam occurs 14 times.

The substr_replace( ) function permits many kinds of string modifications:

$string = substr_replace(original, new, start [, length ]);

The function replaces the part of original indicated by the start (0 means the start of the string) and length values with the string new. If no fourth argument is given, substr_replace( ) removes the text from start to the end of the string.

For instance:

$greeting = "good morning citizen";
$farewell = substr_replace($greeting, "bye", 5, 7);
// $farewell is "good bye citizen"

Use a length value of 0 to insert without deleting:

$farewell = substr_replace($farewell, "kind ", 9, 0);
// $farewell is "good bye kind citizen"

Use a replacement of "" to delete without inserting:

$farewell = substr_replace($farewell, "", 8);
// $farewell is "good bye"

Here's how you can insert at the beginning of the string:

$farewell = substr_replace($farewell, "now it's time to say ", 0, 0);
// $farewell is "now it's time to say good bye"'

A negative value for start indicates the number of characters from the end of the string from which to start the replacement:

$farewell = substr_replace($farewell, "riddance", -3);
// $farewell is "now it's time to say good riddance"

A negative length indicates the number of characters from the end of the string at which to stop deleting:

$farewell = substr_replace($farewell, "", -8, -5);
// $farewell is "now it's time to say good dance"

4.7.3. Decomposing a String

PHP provides several functions to let you break a string into smaller components. In increasing order of complexity, they are explode( ), strtok( ), and sscanf( ).

4.7.4. String-Searching Functions

Several functions find a string or character within a larger string. They come in three families: strpos( ) and strrpos( ), which return a position; strstr( ), strchr( ), and friends, which return the string they find; and strspn( ) and strcspn( ), which return how much of the start of the string matches a mask.

In all cases, if you specify a number as the "string" to search for, PHP treats that number as the ordinal value of the character to search for. Thus, these function calls are identical because 44 is the ASCII value of the comma:

$pos = strpos($large, ",");            // find last comma
$pos = strpos($large, 44);             // find last comma

All the string-searching functions return false if they can't find the substring you specified. If the substring occurs at the start of the string, the functions return 0. Because false casts to the number 0, always compare the return value with === when testing for failure:

if ($pos === false) {
  // wasn't found
} else {
  // was found, $pos is offset into string

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