9.2 Initiating a Process After the Page Loads
NN 2, IE 3
9.2.1 Problem
When a new page loads into the browser,
you want to execute script statements requiring that all content,
including images and plug-ins or ActiveX controls, be loaded and
ready to go.
9.2.2 Solution
The onload event of the window
object fires after all content and processes coded in the HTML have
finished loading and self-initializing. Use this event to trigger the
function(s) needed to complete the initialization of your scripted
objects. All scriptable browsers support the following syntax:
<body onload="myInitFunction( )"> ... </body>
All browsers back to Navigator 3 and Internet Explorer 4 support the
following script syntax, which may be included in a script located in
the head portion of the document:
window.onload = myInitFunction;
In this latter case, make sure the myInitFunction(
) is defined earlier in the script code
than the event assignment statement.
9.2.3 Discussion
Many recipes of this book include one or more initialization
functions invoked by the onload event handler. My
preference is to place the onload event handler as
an attribute of the body element. It is always
easy to find when editing and maintaining the code, and
it's usually near the scripts, as well. If I need
multiple initializations, such as the DHTML API library of Recipe
13.3 plus some other module, I can combine the initializations in the
optimum sequence (in case one relies on another), as in:
<body onload="initDHTMLAPI( ); setHeights( )">
Event binding via property assignment does not allow multiple
function assignments to the same event. If you include a second
statement for the same object and event, it overrides the first.
Therefore, if you need multiple functions initialized for
window.onload, direct the event to fire a
dispatcher-like function that then invokes each of your detailed
initialization functions in the desired sequence:
function startup( ) {
initDHTMLAPI( );
setHeights( );
window.onload = startup;
Initializing event handlers after the document has loaded brings you
and your users one extra benefit: events do nothing until all of the
page's content is loaded into the browser. This is
especially helpful if your page includes scripts that communicate
with plug-ins or ActiveX controls. If a user clicks on a button that
triggers a script before the ancillary machinery is in place, script
errors will occur.
Using the onload event handler as a trigger for
scripted event binding offers some intriguing benefits. First of all,
you automatically assure that very old browsers
won't respond to events because they
don't understand the event name properties. The
result is that you filter out browsers that choke on function
handlers intended for more modern browsers. Second, you can filter
out even more browsers with the help of object detection. For
example, if you wish to limit event function access to browsers that
support the basic W3C DOM element object reference syntax, you can
surround the event assignment statements by conditional statements
that validate browser support for your requirements:
function initEvents( ) {
// these events OK with all but NN2 and IE3
document.forms[0].onsubmit = validateMainForm;
document.forms[0].elements["email"].onchange = validateEmail;
if (document.getElementById) {
// these work only in when W3C DOM supported
document.getElementById("logo").onclick = goHome;
document.body.onclick = blockEvent;
window.onload = initEvents;
This approach is far superior to wrapping script statement blocks in
<script> tags that define the JavaScript
version through the language attribute (e.g.,
language="JavaScript1.2"). Using the core
JavaScript language versions as a predictor of things such as
document object model version and support is foolhardy. Use object
detection instead.
9.2.4 See Also
The Discussion in Recipe 9.1 on event binding types.