6.7 Communicating Back to the Main Window
NN 3, IE 3
6.7.1 Problem
You want a
script in a subwindow to access variables or document content in the
main window.
6.7.2 Solution
With one very early exception (Netscape 2), all scriptable browsers
automatically assign an
opener property to a window created via the
window.open( ) method. Scripts in the subwindow can
reach the main window or frame via this opener
property. Here is an example of a subwindow script that copies a text
box value from the subwindow to a hidden input field in the main
opener.document.forms["userData"].age.value = document.forms["entry"].userAge.value;
The opener property references the window or frame
whose script executed the window.open( ) method.
6.7.3 Discussion
Any window opened by the user reports that the
opener property is null.
Therefore, your scripts can test whether the current window was
opened by script or manually by comparing the value or type of
if (typeof window.opener = = "object") {
// current subwindow opened by script
If the subwindow is opened by a script running inside a frame, the
opener property of the subwindow points to the
frame holding the document whose window.open( )
method created the window. This means that you can still script your
way through the main frameset, if needed. For example a subwindow can
access a form value in another frame of the main window frameset with
syntax like the following:
opener.parent.frames["prefs"].document.dataForm.colorChoice.value = "#66eeff";
The same-origin security policy observed in access to a subwindow
(Recipe 6.6) also applies going in the other direction. If the
document in the main window or frame changes to one from a different
server and domain, attempted access to details of that document via
the opener property fails with security errors.
6.7.4 See Also
Recipe 6.6 to see how scripts in the main window communicate with
content in a script-generated window.