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12.10. Frontend/Backend Proxying with Virtual Hosts

This section explains a configuration setup for proxying your backend mod_perl servers when you need to use virtual hosts.

12.10.4. Frontend Server Configuration

The following example illustrates the use of name-based virtual hosts. We define two virtual hosts, www.example.com and www.example.org, which will reverse-proxy dynamic requests to ports 8001 and 8002 on the backend mod_perl-enabled server.


Replace with your server's public IP address.

LogFormat "%v %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""

The log format used is the Common Log Format prefixed with %v, a token representing the name of the virtual host. Using a combined log common to all virtual hosts uses fewer system resources. The log file can later be split into seperate files according to the prefix, using splitlog or an equivalent program.

The following are global options for mod_rewrite shared by all virtual hosts:

RewriteLogLevel       0
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png|txt|html)$ - [last]

This turns off the mod_rewrite module's logging feature and makes sure that the frontend server will handle files with the extensions .gif, .jpg, .png, .txt, and .html internally.

If your server is configured to run traditional CGI scripts (under mod_cgi) as well as mod_perl CGI programs, it would be beneficial to configure the frontend server to run the traditional CGI scripts directly. This can be done by altering the (gif|jpg|png|txt|html) rewrite rule to add cgi if all your mod_cgi scripts have the .cgi extension, or by adding a new rule to handle all /cgi-bin/* locations internally.

The virtual hosts setup is straightforward:

##### www.example.com
    ServerName      www.example.com
    ServerAdmin     webmaster@example.com
    DocumentRoot    /home/httpd_docs/htdocs/www.example.com

    RewriteEngine       on
    RewriteOptions      'inherit'
    RewriteRule         ^/(perl/.*)$$1    [P,L]
    ProxyPassReverse    /  http://www.example.com/

##### www.example.org
    ServerName      www.example.org
    ServerAdmin     webmaster@example.org
    DocumentRoot    /home/httpd_docs/htdocs/www.example.org

    RewriteEngine       on
    RewriteOptions      'inherit'
    RewriteRule         ^/(perl/.*)$$1    [P,L]
    ProxyPassReverse    /  http://www.example.org/

The two virtual hosts' setups differ in the DocumentRoot and ProxyPassReversesettings and in the backend ports to which they rewrite.

12.10.5. Backend Server Configuration

This section describes the configuration of the backend server.

The backend server listens on the loopback (localhost) interface:


In this context, the following directive does not specify a listening port:

Port                  80

Rather, it indicates which port the server should advertise when issuing a redirect.

The following global mod_perl settings are shared by all virtual hosts:

##### mod_perl settings
PerlRequire                   /home/httpd/perl/startup.pl
PerlFixupHandler              Apache::SizeLimit
PerlPostReadRequestHandler    Book::ProxyRemoteAddr
PerlSetupEnv                  Off

As explained earlier, we use the Book::ProxyRemoteAddr handler to get the real remote IP addresses from the proxy.

We can then proceed to configure the virtual hosts themselves:

##### www.example.com
Listen 8001

The Listen directive specifies the port to listen on. A connection to that port will be matched by this <VirtualHost> container.

The remaining configuration is straightforward:

ServerName  www.example.com
ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com

<Location /perl>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
    Options +ExecCGI

<Location /perl-status>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Status


We configure the second virtual host in a similar way:

##### www.example.org
Listen 8002
    ServerName  www.example.org
    ServerAdmin webmaster@example.org

    <Location /perl>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        Options +ExecCGI


You may need to specify the DocumentRootsetting in each virtual host if there is any need for it.

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