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8.2. Invoking the Shell

The shell command interpreter can be invoked as follows:

tcsh [options] [arguments]

tcsh uses syntax resembling C and executes commands from a terminal or a file. The options -n, -v, and -x are useful when debugging scripts.

8.2.1. Options

Allow the remaining command-line options to be interpreted as options to a specified command rather than as options to tcsh.

Read and execute commands specified from the argument that follows and place any remaining arguments in the argv shell variable.

Load directory stack from ~/.cshdirs even if not a login shell.

Exit if a command produces errors.

Fast startup; start without executing .tcshrc.

Invoke interactive shell (prompt for input) even if not on a terminal.

Login shell (must be the only option specified).

Load ~/.tcshrc even if effective user is not the owner of the file.

Parse commands, but do not execute.

Accept SIGQUIT when used under a debugger. Disables job control.

Read commands from the standard input.

Exit after executing one line of input (which may be continued with a \ to escape the newline).

Display commands before executing them; expand history substitutions, but not other substitutions (e.g., filename, variable, and command). Same as setting verbose.

Same as -v, but also display .tcshrc.

Display commands before executing them, but expand all substitutions. Same as setting echo.

Same as -x, but also display .tcshrc.

8.2.2. Arguments

Arguments are assigned, in order, to the positional parameters $1, $2, and so on. If the first argument is an executable script, commands are read from it, and remaining arguments are assigned to $1, $2, and so forth.

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