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Apache The Definitive Guide, 3rd EditionApache: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

6.3. Language Negotiation

The same useful functionality also applies to language. To demonstrate this, we need to make up .html scripts in different languages. Well, we won't bother with actual different languages; we'll just edit the scripts to say, for example:

<h1>Italian Version</h1>

and edit the English version so that it includes a new line:

<h1>English Version</h1>

Then we give each file an appropriate extension:

  • index.html.en for English

  • index.html.it for Italian

  • index.html.ko for Korean

Apache recognizes language variants: en-US is seen as a version of general English, en, which seems reasonable. You can also offer documents that serve more than one language. If you had a "franglais" version, you could serve it to both English speakers and Francophones by naming it frangdoc.en.fr. Of course, in real life you would have to go to substantially more trouble, what with translators and special keyboards and all. Also, the Italian version of the index would need to point to Italian versions of the catalogs. But in the fantasy world of Butterthlies, Inc., it's all so simple.

The Italian version of our index would be index.html.it. By default, Apache looks for a file called index.html.<something>. If it has a language extension, like index.html.it, it will find the index file, happily add the language extension, and then serve up what the browser prefers. If, however, you call the index file index.it.html, Apache will still look for, and fail to find, index.html.<something>. If index.html.en is present, that will be served up. If index.en.html is there, then Apache gives up and serves up a list of all the files. The moral is, if you want to deal with index filenames in either order — index.it.html alongside index.html.en — you need the directive:

DirectoryIndex index

to make Apache look for a file called index.<something> rather than the default index.html.<something>.

To give Apache the idea, we need the corresponding lines in the httpd1.conf file:

AddLanguage it .it
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage ko .ko

Now our browser behaves in a rather civilized way. If you run ./go 1 on the server, go to the client machine, and go to Edit Figure Preferences Figure Languages (in Netscape 4) or Tools Figure Internet Options Figure Languages (MSIE) or wherever the language settings for your browser are kept, and set Italian to be first, you see the Italian version of the index. If you change to English and reload, you get the English version. It you then go to catalog_summer, you see the pictures even though we didn't strictly specify the filenames. In a small way...magic!

Apache controls language selection if the browser doesn't. If you turn language preference off in your browser, edit the Config file (httpd2.conf ) to insert the line:

LanguagePriority it en ko

stop Apache and restart with ./go 2, the browser will get Italian.


AddLanguage MIME-lang extension [extension] ...
Server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess

The AddLanguage directive maps the given filename extension to the specified content language. MIME-lang is the MIME language of filenames containing extensions. This mapping is added to any already in force, overriding any mappings that already exist for the same extension. For example:

AddEncoding x-compress .Z
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage fr .fr

Then the document xxxx.en.Z will be treated as a compressed English document (as will the document xxxx.Z.en). Although the content language is reported to the client, the browser is unlikely to use this information. The AddLanguage directive is more useful for content negotiation, where the server returns one from several documents based on the client's language preference.

If multiple language assignments are made for the same extension, the last one encountered is the one that is used. That is, for the case of:

AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage en-uk .en
AddLanguage en-us .en

documents with the extension .en would be treated as being en-us.

The extension argument is case insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot.


DefaultLanguage MIME-lang
Server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
DefaultLanguage is only available in Apache 1.3.4 and later. 

The DefaultLanguage directive tells Apache that all files in the directive's scope (e.g., all files covered by the current <Directory> container) that don't have an explicit language extension (such as .fr or .de as configured by AddLanguage) should be considered to be in the specified MIME-lang language. This allows entire directories to be marked as containing Dutch content, for instance, without having to rename each file. Note that unlike using extensions to specify languages, DefaultLanguage can only specify a single language.

If no DefaultLanguage directive is in force and a file does not have any language extensions as configured by AddLanguage, then that file will be considered to have no language attribute.


RemoveLanguage extension [extension] ...
directory, .htaccess
RemoveLanguage is only available in Apache 2.0.24 and later. 

The RemoveLanguage directive removes any language associations for files with the given extensions. This allows .htaccess files in subdirectories to undo any associations inherited from parent directories or the server config files.

The extension argument is case insensitive and can be specified with or without a leading dot.

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