19.3 Server Response HeadersThe response headers described here are used in server responses to communicate information about the server and how it may handle requests. Accept-RangesAccept-Ranges: bytes | none Indicates the acceptance of range requests for a URI, specifying either the range unit (e.g., bytes) or none if no range requests are accepted. Proxy-AuthenticateProxy-Authenticate: scheme realm Indicates the authentication scheme and parameters applicable to the proxy for this URI and the current connection. Used with response 407 (Proxy Authentication Required). PublicPublic: methods Indicates methods supported by the server as a comma-separated list. Intended for declaration of non-standard methods supported at this site. For methods applicable only to an individual URI, use the Allow header. See Chapter 17, HTTP Overview, for a discussion of request methods. Retry-AfterRetry-After: date | seconds Used with response code 503 (Service Unavailable). It contains either an integer number of seconds or a GMT date and time (as described by the Date header formats). If the value is an integer, it is interpreted as the number of seconds to wait after the request was issued. For example:
Retry-After: 3600 Retry-After: Sat, 18 May 1996 06:59:37 GMT ServerServer: string Contains the name and version number of the server. For example:
Server: NCSA/1.3 Set-CookieSet-Cookie: name=value[; options] Contains a name/value pair of information to retain for this URL. For browsers supporting Netscape persistent cookies; not included in the HTTP standard. See Chapter 12, Cookies, for more information. Options are:
VaryVary: * | headers Specifies that the entity has multiple sources and may therefore vary according to specified list of request header(s). Multiple headers can be listed, separated by commas. An asterisk (*) means that another factor other than the request headers may affect the document that is returned. WarningWarning: code host[:port] "string" Indicates additional information to that in the status code, for use by caching proxies. The host field contains the name or pseudonym of the server host, with an optional port number. The two-digit warning codes and their recommended descriptive strings are:
WWW-AuthenticateWWW-Authenticate: scheme realm Used with the 401 (Unauthorized) response code. It specifies the authorization scheme and realm of authorization required from a client at the requested URI. Many different authorization realms can exist on a server. A common authorization scheme is BASIC, which requires a username and password. For example:
WWW-Authenticate: BASIC realm="Admin" When returned to the client, this header indicates that the BASIC type of authorization data in the appropriate realm should be returned in the client's Authorization header. |