- h
Prints out a help message.
- T
Prints a stack trace.
- s
Single steps.
- n
Single steps around subroutine call.
Repeats last s or n.
- r
Returns from the current subroutine.
- c [ line ]
Continues (until line, or another breakpoint, or exit).
- p expr
Prints expr.
- l [ range ]
Lists a range of lines. range may be a number, start-end,
start+amount, or a subroutine name. If range is omitted, lists
next window.
- w
Lists window around current line.
- -
Lists previous window.
- ffile
Switches to file and starts listing it.
- lsub
Lists the named subroutine.
- S
Lists the names of all subroutines.
- /pattern/
Searches forward for pattern.
- ?pattern?
Searches backward for pattern.
- b [ line [ condition ]]
Sets breakpoint at line; default is the current line.
- b sub [ condition ]
Sets breakpoint at the subroutine.
- d [ line ]
Deletes breakpoint at the given line.
- D
Deletes all breakpoints.
- L
Lists lines that have breakpoints or actions.
- a line command
Sets an action for line.
- A
Deletes all line actions.
- < command
Sets an action to be executed before every debugger prompt.
- > command
Sets an action to be executed before every s, c, or n command.
- V [ package [ vars ] ]
Lists all variables in a package. Default package is main.
- X [ vars ]
Like V, but assumes current package.
- ! [ [-]number ]
Re-executes a command. Default is the previous command.
- H [ -number ]
Displays the last -number commands of more than one letter.
- t
Toggles trace mode.
- = [ alias value ]
Sets alias, or lists current aliases.
- q
Quits. You may also use your EOF character.
- command
Executes command as a Perl statement.