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Chapter 15 Perl Quick Reference |
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- Numeric
1231_234123.45E-100xff (hex)0377 (octal)
- String
- 'abc'
Literal string, no variable interpolation or
escape characters, except \' and \\. Also: q/abc/.
Almost any pair of delimiters can be used instead of /.../.
- "abc"
Variables are interpolated and escape sequences are processed.
Also: qq/abc/.
Escape sequences: \t (Tab), \n (Newline),
\r (Return),\f (Formfeed),
\b (Backspace),\a (Alarm), \e (Escape),
\033 (octal), \x1b (hex),
\c[ (control).
\l and \u lowercase/uppercase the following character.
\L and \U lowercase/uppercase until a \E is encountered.
\Q quotes regular expression characters until a \E is encountered.
- `command`
Evaluates to the output of the command.
Also: qx/command/.
- Array
(1, 2, 3)
( ) is an empty array.
(1..4) is the same as (1,2,3,4), likewise ('a'..'z').
qw/foo bar.../ is the same as ('foo','bar',...).
- Array reference
- Hash (associative array)
(key1, val1, key2, val2,...)
Also (key1 => val1, key2 => val2,...)
- Hash reference
{key1, val1, key2, val2,...}
- Code reference
sub { statements }
- Filehandles
User-specified: handle, $var.
- Globs
<pattern> evaluates to all filenames according
to the pattern.
Use <${var}> or glob $var to glob from a
- Here-Is
Shell-style "here document."
- Special tokens
__FILE__: filename; __LINE__: line number;
__END__: end of program; remaining lines can be read using
the filehandle DATA.