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"last updated" line : Why doesn't print...
LAST_MODIFIED variable : Environment Variables
versus flastmod command : File Statistics
length function : Digital Clock
libcgi library
CGI Software
C/C++ decoding using libcgi
libwww library : CGI Software
line break <BR> tag : Hidden Fields
adding to index : Archie
checking HTTP
Checking Hypertext (HTTP) Links
imagemaps of : Introduction to Imagemaps
random hypertext : Random Links
Lint (see CGI Lint)
list command : Cookie Server
listen_to_port function : Cookie Server
lists, scrolled : Menus and Scrolled Lists
load, server (see system load)
localtime function : Creating Dynamic Home Pages
Location header
Why doesn't print...
CGI and Response Headers
Server Redirection
The Database
log, NCSA server access : Web Server Accesses
Logging and Simulation
Server Simulation
Lycos World Wide Web Search : Some Working CGI Applications

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