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10.12. Copying Directory Trees with cp -r

cp has a -r (recursive) flag, which copies all the files in a directory tree -- that is, all the files in a directory and its subdirectories.

NOTE: One of our Unix systems has a cp without a -r option. But it also has an rcp (Section 1.21) command that does have -r. rcp can copy to any machine, not just remote machines. When I need cp -r on that host, I use rcp -r.

cp -r can be used in two ways. The first is much like normal copies; provide a list of files to copy and an existing directory into which to copy them. The -r option just means that source directories will be copied as well as normal files. The second allows you to copy a single directory to another location.

  • Here's how to do the copy shown in Figure 10-1. This copies the directory /home/jane, with all its files and subdirectories, and creates a subdirectory named jane in the current directory (.) (Section 1.16):

    % cd /work/bkup
    % cp -r /home/jane .
  • How can you copy the contents of the subdirectory called data and all its files (but not the subdirectory itself) into a duplicate directory named data.bak? First make sure that the destination directory doesn't exist. That's because if the last argument to cp is a directory that already exists, the source directory will be copied to a subdirectory of the destination directory (i.e., it will become data.bak/data rather than just data.bak):

    % cd /home/jane
    % cp -r data data.bak
  • Use this to copy the subdirectories Aug and Sep and their files from the directory /home/jim/calendar into the current directory (.):

    [..]* Section 33.2

    % cp -r /home/jim/calendar/[AS]* .

    In many shells, if you wanted the Oct directory too, but not the file named Output, you can copy just the directories by using the handy curly brace operators (Section 28.4):

    % cp -r /home/jim/calendar/{Aug,Sep,Oct} .

Some gotchas:

Note that directories can be copied to another machine using the same basic syntax with rcp and scp. The only difference is that remote files have hostname: in front of them; note that remote files can be used either as source or destination. Relative pathnames for remote files are always relative to your home directory on the remote machine.

% scp -r mydata bigserver:backups
% scp -r bass:/export/src/gold-20020131 .

scp and rcp use the same syntax; scp uses SSH (Section 46.6) to do its copying, while rcp uses unencrypted connections.

--DJPH and JP

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