12.11 Sources and Supported Operating SystemsThe official WWW location for vile is http://www.clark.net/pub/dickey/vile/vile.html . The ftp location is ftp://ftp.clark.net/pub/dickey/vile/vile.tar.gz . The file vile.tar.gz is always a symbolic link to the current version. vile is written in ANSI C. It builds and runs on UNIX, VMS (with both VAX C and DEC C), MS-DOS, Win32 console and Win32 GUI, and OS/2. Compiling vile is straightforward. Retrieve the distribution via ftp or from the web page. Uncompress and untar it, run the configure program, and then run make : $ vile should configure and build with no problems. Use make install to install it.
Should you need to report a bug or problem in vile , send email to the address vile-bugs@foxharp.boston.ma.us . This is the preferred way to report bugs. If necessary, you can contact Tom Dickey directly at dickey@clark.net . |