11.11 Sources and Supported Operating Systemsvim has its own Internet domain. The best thing to do is start from the home page at http://www.vim.org/ . There is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for vim , at http://www.vim.org/faq/ . Of particular interest are several vim -related mailing lists; start with http://www.vim.org/mail.html . Instead of just one or two distribution points, there are a
number of ftp
sites that mirror
the main
distribution site. These are all available as
The source code for vim is freely distributable. Distribution is permitted in source and binary form, but if you modify vim and distribute it, you must make your changes available to the maintainer for possible inclusion in a subsequent release. vim is also "charityware." This was discussed earlier in this chapter. vim has been ported to the following systems:
The online help documents the peculiarities of the vim port to each operating system. Compiling vim is straightforward. Retrieve the distribution via ftp . Uncompress and untar it, run the configure program, and then run make : $ vim should configure and build with no problems. Use make install to install it. Should you need to report a bug or problem in vim , the person to contact is Bram Moolenaar, at Bram@vim.org . |