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4.6 Review of vi Buffer and Marking Commands

Table 4.2 summarizes the command-line options common to all versions of vi . Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 summarize the buffer and marking commands.

Table 4.2: Command-Line Options
Option Meaning
+ n file Open file at line number n .
+ file Open file at last line.
+/ pattern file Open file at first occurrence of pattern .
-c command file

Run command after opening file; usually a line number or search (POSIX version of + ).

-R Operate in read-only mode (same as using view instead of vi ).
-r Recover files after a crash.

Table 4.3: Buffer Names
Buffer Names Buffer Use
1-9 The last nine deletions, from most to least recent.

Named buffers for you to use as needed. Uppercase letters append to the buffer.

Table 4.4: Buffer and Marking Commands
Command Meaning
" b command Do command with buffer b .
m x Mark current position with x .
' x Move cursor to first character of line marked by x .
` x Move cursor to character marked by x .
`` Return to exact position of previous mark or context.
'' Return to beginning of the line of previous mark or context.

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