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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 43.25 The Portable Bitmap Package Part VIII Next: 44. Shell Programming for the Uninitiated

Part VIII: Shell Programming

The shell is the ultimate UNIX power tool.

It is the design of the shell-including basic features like pipes, filters, and redirection, and the idea of an environment where small programs can do big things by working together-that makes all the rest possible.

Some new UNIX users program only in Perl. Perl does do many things that are otherwise difficult or impossible, and Perl scripts can be run on other operating systems. But we believe there's plenty of room for the original UNIX "small is beautiful" philosophy.

Whether you program the shell or not, the next four chapters will help you use it interactively.

- TOR , JP

Chapter 44: Shell Programming for the Uninitiated
Chapter 45: Shell Programming for the Initiated
Chapter 46: Shell Script Debugging and Gotchas
Chapter 47: C Shell Programming...NOT

Previous: 43.25 The Portable Bitmap Package UNIX Power Tools Next: 44. Shell Programming for the Uninitiated
43.25 The Portable Bitmap Package Book Index 44. Shell Programming for the Uninitiated

The UNIX CD Bookshelf NavigationThe UNIX CD BookshelfUNIX Power ToolsUNIX in a NutshellLearning the vi Editorsed & awkLearning the Korn ShellLearning the UNIX Operating System