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UNIX Power Tools

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49.5 Base Conversion Using cvtbase

The bc command can be used to convert between different bases (49.2 ) , but an easier tool to use is cvtbase . cvtbase is designed specifically to convert from one format to another. For example, to convert a decimal IP address into its hexadecimal equivalent:

% cvtbase d h


The first argument, d , means that our input will be in decimal form. The second argument, h , means that we want the input converted into hexadecimal. In general, the syntax for calling cvtbase is:

cvtbase input_base output_base

where input_base and output_base are any of:

d, D

Decimal; i.e., digits 0 through 9 .

x, h

Hexadecimal (using lowercase); i.e., 0 through 9 and a through f .

X, H

Hexadecimal (using uppercase); i.e., 0 through 9 and A through F .

o, O

Octal; i.e., digits 0 through 7 .

b, B

Binary; i.e., digits 0 and 1 .

Any input characters that aren't in the specified set are sent through unchanged. In the example above, the dots (. ) in the IP address are retained in the hexadecimal output.

- LM

Previous: 49.4 bc's Sine and Cosine Are in Radians UNIX Power Tools Next: 49.6 Quick Arithmetic with expr
49.4 bc's Sine and Cosine Are in Radians Book Index 49.6 Quick Arithmetic with expr

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