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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 46.2 Quoting Trouble?  Think, Then Use echo Chapter 46
Shell Script Debugging and Gotchas
Next: 46.4 Stop Syntax Errors in Numeric Tests

46.3 Bourne Shell Debugger Shows a Shell Variable

If you have a shell script that sets several variables and you want to show the value of one of them, you can add a loop that asks you forvariable names and displays their values : (45.19 )

% cat myscript

while echo "Pick a variable; just RETURN quits: \c"
      read var
      case "$var" in
      "") break ;;
      *)  eval echo \$$var ;;

The loop prompts Pick a variable: , then reads a value; if you type an empty answer, the loop quits. Otherwise, the value of that variable is displayed; the eval (8.10 ) command scans the echo command line twice.

This tip isn't just good for debugging. It's good in any shell script where you need to show the value of a variable by typing its name.

- JP

Previous: 46.2 Quoting Trouble?  Think, Then Use echo UNIX Power Tools Next: 46.4 Stop Syntax Errors in Numeric Tests
46.2 Quoting Trouble? Think, Then Use echo Book Index 46.4 Stop Syntax Errors in Numeric Tests

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