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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 45.14 Finding the Last Command-Line Argument Chapter 45
Shell Programming for the Initiated
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45.15 How to Unset all Command-Line Parameters

The shift (44.17 ) command "shifts away" one command-line parameter. You can shift three times if there are three command-line parameters. Many shells also can take an argument, like shift 3 , that tells how many times to shift; on those shells, you can shift  $# (44.15 ) to unset all parameters.

The portable way to unset all command-line parameters is probably to set (44.19 ) a single dummy parameter, then shift it away:

set x

Setting the single parameter wipes out whatever other parameters were set before.

- JP

Previous: 45.14 Finding the Last Command-Line Argument UNIX Power Tools Next: 45.16 Standard Input to a for Loop
45.14 Finding the Last Command-Line Argument Book Index 45.16 Standard Input to a for Loop

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