43.11 Big Letters: banner##### ###### ## ##### ##### # # # #### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # ###### # #### ##### # ###### # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # ###### # # ##### # # # # #### ### I made that with the System V version of banner by typing: banner "read this." Each argument (10 or fewer characters) is printed to the standard output (13.1 ) in letters like those. I quoted my two words to keep them together. If you type separate arguments, banner will print them down the page. The Berkeley version of banner prints big letters, too. But they're much bigger and they're output sideways for a continuous-form printer. These banners are great for parties. The default is 132 characters high, enough for a wide printer or a smaller printer in compressed-type mode. Use the -w option to get 80-column width; add a number for a different width, like -100 , to get 100-character width. This program is usually in the /usr/games
Although you can type the message on the command line, it's easier to
type at the (undocumented) % If you don't have a continuous-form printer, you can piece together
separate pages with a
csh foreach
loop (9.11
or an
sh for
loop (9.12
some scissors, and a roll of tape
Remember to quote special characters. - |