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UNIX Power Tools

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35. You Can't Quite Call This Editing

35.1 And Why Not?

There are many specialized forms of editing that happen frequently enough that they sometimes want to be saved into a script. Examples of this kind of thing include:

  • fmt (35.2 ) and related scripts (35.3 ) for reformatting jagged lines into neat paragraphs.

  • recomment (35.4 ) , a script for reformatting comment blocks within programs and scripts.

  • behead (35.5 ) , a script for removing the headers from mail and news messages.

  • center (35.8 ) , a script for centering lines of text in a file.

In addition, there are a number of programs that provide some useful ways of modifying files but that you don't normally think of as editors:

  • split (35.9 ) and csplit (35.10 ) let you split a big file into smaller pieces.

  • tr (35.11 ) lets you substitute one character for another - including non-printing characters that you specify by their octal values.

  • dd (35.6 , 35.12 , 35.13 ) lets you perform various data conversions on a file.

  • cut (35.14 ) and colrm (35.15 ) let you cut columns or fields out of a file, and paste (35.18 ) lets you put them back, perhaps in a different order.

This chapter covers all that and more.


Previous: 34.24 Quick Reference: sed UNIX Power Tools Next: 35.2 Neatening Text with fmt
34.24 Quick Reference: sed Book Index 35.2 Neatening Text with fmt

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