Here is my .exrc
file, which I customized for
a VT100 terminal.
It is set up for C and nroff -me
[Strings like ^[OD
set by the cursor keys (41.12
on VT100-type terminals.
Make the ^[
by typing [CTRL-v]
Many vi
versions make this easier; they understand
map #1
to mean "map function key F1."-JP
set ai redraw sm wm=1
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
map! {} {^M}^[O^I Great for auto indenting { } pairs
map! ^[OD ^[ha Cursor left while inputting
map! ^[OA ^[ka Cursor up while inputting
map! ^[OB ^[ja Cursor down while inputting
map! ^[OC ^[la Cursor right while inputting
map ^[OP A Mapped F1 to append to end of line
map! ^[OP ^[A Text-input mode of the above
map ^[OQ 0i Mapped F2 to insert before line
map! ^[OQ ^[0i Text-input mode of the above
map! `` \*(lq troff left quote
map! '' \*(rq troff right quote
I can use the cursor keys while inputting text. This is handy
because I can back up and add text without pressing
[Though you
may not be able to (31.3
undo your previous change with the u
Also, I have defined [F1]
to append at the end of the line.
This is useful because it doesn't matter what mode you are in,
it always puts you in text-input mode.
At one time, I mapped the entire numeric keypad to emulate the EDT editor.
- BB
in net.unix
on Usenet, 9 October 1986