" INPUT MACROS that i always want active
map! ^Z ^[:stop^M
" so i can stop in input mode. note that autowrite is set, so
map! ^A ^[:stop!^M
" will stop me without writing.
map! ^K ^V^[O
" lets me do kind of a negative carriage return in input mode.
map! ^V^[^B ^[bi
" non-destructive ^W
map! ^V^[^F ^[Ea
" and its inverse
map! ^B ^V^[i
map! ^F ^V^[lli
map! ^A ^V^[I
map! ^E ^V^[A
" EXCHANGE MACROS - for exchanging things
map v xp
" exchange current char with next one in edit mode
map V :m+1^M
" exchange current line with next one in edit mode
map! ^P ^V^[hxpa
" exchange last typed char with penultimate one in insert mode
map = ^^
" edit previously edited file
map ^W :w^M
" write out the file
map * i^M^[
" split line
map ^A :stop!^M
" unconditional stop
map Y y$
" so Y is analogous to C and D
map ^R ddu
" single-line redraw
map ^N :n +/^M
" go to next file in arg list, same position
" useful for "vi +/string file1 file2 file3"
" META MACROS, all begin with meta-key '\' ; more later in file
map ^V^I \
" so can use both ^I [tab -
and \ for meta-key
map \/ dePo/\<^V^[pA\>^V^["wdd@w
" find current word, uses w buffer
" INVERT WORD CASE - V is like W, v is like w. 3V is ok, only to EOL.
" uses both register n and mark n.
map \v ywmno^[P:s/./\~/g^M0"nDdd`n@n
" abc -> ABC ABC->abc
map \V yWmno^[P:s/./\~/g^M0"nDdd`n@n
" abc.xyz -> ABC.XYZ ABC.XYZ->abc.xyz
" EXECUTION MACROS - these two are for executing existing lines.
map \@ ^V^["mdd@m
" execute line as a straight vi command (buffer m, use @@ to repeat)
map \! 0i:r!^V^["ndd@n
" execute line as :r! command (buffer n, use @@ to repeat)
map \t :r!cat /dev/tty^M
" read in stuff from X put buffer [in X window system -JP
" BLOCK MACROS - these help when dealing with C blocks
map! ^O ^V^V^V{^M^V^V^V} ^V^[O^T
" this will begin a block, leaving in insert mode
map! ^] ^V^[/^V^V^V}^V^Ma
" and this will take you past its end, leaving in insert mode
" LINT MACRO. deletes all text from "lint output:" and below, (if any)
" replacing it with lint output in pretty block comment form. could
" do sed work myself, but this is faster.
" the map! is for subsequent map, not by people,
" though /^Lo would make sense.
" this is one of those famous time/space tradeoffs
map! ^Lo lint output
" and now for the real work
map \l Go^M/* ^Lo^M^[/^Lo^MdG:w^Mo/*** ^Lo^[<<
:r!lint -u -lc %^V|sed 's/^/ * /'^MGo***/^[N
" [NOTE: We split the macro above onto two lines for printing.
" Type it on one line in your .exrc file.
" indent this for me
map \i :%!indent -i4^M
" COMMENTING MACROS - these are actually pretty amazing
" from edit mode, this comments a line [for the C language
map ^X ^i/* ^[A */^[^
" and this undoes it
map ^Y :s/\/\* \([^*]*\) \*\//\1^[
" this next one defeats vi's tail-recursion defeatism
" called by 2 maps following this one
map! ^N ^V^[:unmap! ^V^V^M^[
" while in insert mode, this will put you "inside" a comment
map! ^X ^V^[:map! ^V^V^M ^V^V^[a^V^V^V^No^[a /* */^[hhi
" while in edit mode, this begins a block comment - ^N to escape
map \c O/*^M * ^M*/^[k:map! ^V^V^M ^V^V^M* ^MA
" and this is for adding more lines to a block comment - ^N to escape
map \o :map! ^V^V^M ^V^V^M* ^MA
map _ i_^V^V^V^H^V^[ll
" this character will now be underlined when less'd, rn'd, etc.
map \s :w^MGo^V^[:$r!spell %^M
" spell the file, placing errors at bottom, use \n to find
map \n Gdd\/
" for find next spelling error
map \P :.,$!fmt -75^M
" format thru end of document
map \p !}fmt -75^M
" format paragraph
map \f 1G/--^Mj:.,$!fmt -75^M
" format message (assumes MH Mail "comp" format)
map \e :%!expand -4^M
" expand tabs to 4 stops
map \r 1G/^-/^[:r!sed -e '1,/^$/d' -e 's/^./> &/' @ ^[/^-/^[j
" read in @, quoted (for MH replies, who link @ to current file)
map \d :s/$/ $/^M$r 74^V|? ^V^Ms^M^[$xx0
" split line, like !!fmt but cheaper
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