[This article is taken from a posting on
Usenet (1.33
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people who post replies to articles by others often include sections
of the previous postings to which they are replying.
These included
sections are "quoted" by preceding them with >
Sometimes, as in this article, you'll see a quote within a quote,
indicated by >>
Here, the original posting was from John Bruner (>>
Pierce Wetter (>
) replied to John.
Chris Torek then replied to Pierce, including some of John's original
Chris later called this article "largely religious flamage"-an
argument based largely on opinion rather than fact, with no real
resolution possible.
But I think it has some important points to make about editors like vi
an editor that requires a mouse is not
always fastest or best for the job.
Besides, flames are fun to read. :-)
From: Chris Torek <chris%umcp-cs.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Porting UNIX Applications to the Mac
Date: 16 Sep 86 09:02:17 GMT
To: info-unix@brl-sem.arpa
In article <15372@mordor.ARPA> jdb@mordor.UUCP (John Bruner) writes:
I am far more productive with "vi" on UNIX than with any of
the mouse-based editors I've run across on the Mac.
In article <981@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu> wetter@tybalt.caltech.edu.UUCP
(Pierce T. Wetter) responds:
[much laughter]
Considering my experiences ... this is the most hilarious thing I've
ever heard. When I'm programming the thing I do most often is move
around in the file. You can't tell me that pointing and clicking
with the mouse isn't faster then banging away on random cursor keys.
Yes I can, and yes it is - for me. If it is not for you, fine.
(To expound a bit, I do not "bang away on random cursor keys." If
I want to get three lines down from the middle of the screen, to
the end of the seventh word, I might type Mjjj7E
. I can type that
sequence in about a half-second. When I use a Sun, it typically
takes me about four seconds to find the mouse, point, click, and
find the keyboard again.)
It's true that you can go directly to a specific line number but
you can't easily go up five lines and over twenty characters.
took about a second. The real problem with this is converting
a visual representation to a number of characters. It is an acquired
skill, as is using a mouse.
a mouse based editor is much easier to cut & paste in (which
if you looked at code I've written you'll know why I like this -
"Who needs a for next loop I'll just paste it in five times")
That depends on a number of things. I do indeed use the Sun mouse
for this at times, whenever I think it will be faster or easier.
, you need to move your hands away from the "home row" whenever you
hit the escape key or any other "control key."
I do not. I do
need to move my hands significantly to use the mouse.
The mouse isn't any worse (unless you have an infinite typing speed).
However, there is one small thing I should mention, I'm using a trackball
instead of a mouse ...
Actually, I would like to have a keyboard, a mouse, a trackball,
a light pen, a bitpad, a touch screen, an eye tracker, and voice
input, and be able to choose among these as I wish. Indeed, I
think the only reasonable approach is to program for a virtual
input device, and allow the connection of just about anything.
Nuff Said
- CT
in net.unix
on Usenet, 16 September 1986