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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 23.4 Answer "Yes" or "No" Forever with yes Chapter 23
Removing Files
Next: 23.6 A Faster Way to Remove Files Interactively

23.5 Remove Some, Leave Some

Most people use rm -i (21.11 ) for safety: so they're always asked for confirmation before removing a particular file. Mike Loukides told me about another way he uses rm -i . When he has several files to remove, but the wildcards (1.16 ) would be too painful to type with a plain rm , Mike gives rm -i a bigger list of filenames and answers "n" to filenames he doesn't want deleted. For instance:

% ls

aberrant    abhorred    abnormal     abominate   acerbic
aberrate    abhorrent   abominable   absurd      acrimonious
% rm -i ab*

rm: remove aberrant (y/n)? y

rm: remove aberrate (y/n)? n

rm: remove abhorred (y/n)? y

rm: remove abhorrent (y/n)? n


- JP

Previous: 23.4 Answer "Yes" or "No" Forever with yes UNIX Power Tools Next: 23.6 A Faster Way to Remove Files Interactively
23.4 Answer "Yes" or "No" Forever with yes Book Index 23.6 A Faster Way to Remove Files Interactively

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