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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 20.15 List RCS Revision Numbers with rcsrevs Chapter 21 Next: 21.2 A Better Place for Temporary Files: /tmp

21. More About Managing Files

21.1 A Grab-Bag

Let's face it, even in a book as loosely structured as this one, there are things that don't quite fit. This chapter gave us a place to say a few things about files that we just didn't manage to cover anywhere else.

The chapter is short, and it's late, so I'm not even going to bother with the summary I might otherwise attempt in a situation like this. Just dive in.


Previous: 20.15 List RCS Revision Numbers with rcsrevs UNIX Power Tools Next: 21.2 A Better Place for Temporary Files: /tmp
20.15 List RCS Revision Numbers with rcsrevs Book Index 21.2 A Better Place for Temporary Files: /tmp

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