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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 19.7 Extracting Files from a Compressed Archive Chapter 19
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19.8 Problems with Verbose tar

I've heard of one tar version with a v (verbose) option that writes the verbose information to its standard output, rather than standard error. If your tar does that, be sure not to use v when you're using tar to write to a pipeline. For example, the command that follows would be a disaster if your version of tar has this bug:

% tar cvf - *.txt | gzip > archive.tar.gz

The filenames would appear in standard output, along with the tar archive itself. The result would be a gzip ped archive that couldn't be extracted. (You'd probably get a "checksum error" from tar , or something similar, if you tried.)

You can test for this problem by typing:

% tar cvf -


 > /dev/null

   tar without

a somefile

 23 blocks, 44567 characters

That redirects standard output to /dev/null (13.14 ) . If you don't see any verbose output, your tar has the bug.

- JP

Previous: 19.7 Extracting Files from a Compressed Archive UNIX Power Tools Next: 19.9 A System V Tape Archiver: cpio
19.7 Extracting Files from a Compressed Archive Book Index 19.9 A System V Tape Archiver: cpio

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